Source code for pyspectools.doubleresonance

""" Routines for fitting double resonance data """

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
from lmfit import Model
from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, LinearModel

[docs]def parse_data(filepath): """ Function to read in a DR file. When there are multiple columns present in the file, this is interpreted as multiple channels being used to monitor during the DR experiment. In this case, we do the analysis on the co-average of these columns. """ # Skip reading the header - we're doing it ourselves df = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep="\t", header=None, skiprows=1, comment="#") # Columns denoted by number cols = list(np.arange(1, len(df.columns))) full_cols = ["Frequency"] full_cols.extend(cols) # Rename to generalize df.columns = full_cols stats = list() # Set up vector for performing averages average = np.zeros(len(df["Frequency"])) for index, column in enumerate(df): if "Frequency" not in str(column) and "BS" not in str(column): df[str(column) + "-N"] = df[column] # Make sure the baseline is the same for all of the # spectra - subtract off the "noise average" # and offset by 1 to make it easily convertible into # a percentage df[str(column) + "-BS"] -= df[column].mean() df[str(column) + "-BS"] += 1.0 # for weighting the averages weight = df[column].std() # Calculate the weighted average average += (df[column] * weight) / weight # Create composite average - this may or may not be used average /= index + 1 average -= np.mean(average) average += 1 df["Average-BS"] = average df["Average"] = np.average(df[cols], axis=1) return df
[docs]def init_dr_model(baseline=False, guess=None): """ Function to serialize a Model object for DR fits. Defaults to a Gaussian line shape, but the option to include a linear offset is available. Additionally, if a guess is provided in the lmfit convention then it will be incorporated. args: ----------------- baseline - boolean indicating if linear offset is included guess - nested dict with keys corresponding to parameter name and values corresponding to dicts with key/value indicating the parameter value, range, and constraints """ model = GaussianModel() if baseline: model += LinearModel() params = model.make_params() if guess: params.update(guess) # Constrain amplitude to always be negative # since we're measuring depletion. params["amplitude"].set(max=0.0) return model, params
[docs]def peak_detect(dataframe, col="Average", interpolate=True): """ Routine for peak detection to provide an initial guess for the center frequency. The algorithm assumes that the ten smallest intensities corresponds to where the depletion approximately is. By default, a cubic spline is performed on the intensities so that a finer grid of points gives a better determination of the center frequency. """ if interpolate: interpolant = interp1d(dataframe["Frequency"], dataframe[col], "cubic") # Interpolate between the min and max with 10 times more # points than measured new_x = np.linspace( dataframe["Frequency"].min(), dataframe["Frequency"].max(), len(dataframe["Frequency"]) * 20, ) new_y = interpolant(new_x) # Set up dataframe for detection detect_df = pd.DataFrame( data=list(zip(new_x, new_y)), columns=["Frequency", col] ) else: # Use the experimental data detect_df = dataframe # Use pandas to find the 10 smallest values trunc_df = detect_df.nsmallest(10, [col], "first") avg_freq = trunc_df["Frequency"].mean() # Guess amplitude given by negative value guess_ampl = trunc_df[col].min() - trunc_df[col].mean() return avg_freq, guess_ampl
[docs]def fit_dr(dataframe, col="Average", baseline=True, guess=None): """ Function for fitting double resonance data. Required input: ----------------- dataframe - pandas dataframe containing args: ----------------- col - str denoting which column to use for fitting. baseline - boolean denoting whether a linear baseline is fit guess - dict for fitting parameters; this is passed into the fit directly and so must match the lmfit convention. """ model, params = init_dr_model(baseline, guess) if guess is None: center, guess_ampl = peak_detect(dataframe, col) # Center guess is constrained to 500 kHz params["center"].set(center, min=center - 0.5, max=center + 0.5) params["amplitude"].set(guess_ampl, max=0.0, min=-10.0) params["sigma"].set(min=0.0, max=10.0) if baseline: pass # params["intercept"].set(min=-., max=5.) # params["slope"].set(min=-5., max=5.) result =[col], x=dataframe["Frequency"], params=params) dataframe["Fit"] = result.best_fit dataframe.fit_result = result # Do some extra stuff like figure out the "baseline" # for plotting; expressing it in terms of percent # depletion zero = dataframe["Fit"].max() dataframe["Base Signal"] = 100 * (dataframe[col].values / zero) dataframe["Base Fit"] = 100 * (dataframe["Fit"].values / zero) dataframe["Offset Frequency"] = ( dataframe["Frequency"].values - result.best_values["center"] ) print(result.fit_report())