Source code for pyspectools.ftmw_analysis

import datetime
import re
import os
import struct
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import combinations, product
from typing import List, Dict

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import peakutils
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal as spsig
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
import networkx as nx
from ipywidgets import interactive, VBox, HBox
from lmfit.models import LinearModel

from pyspectools import routines
from pyspectools import figurefactory as ff
from pyspectools import fitting
from pyspectools.spectra import analysis
from pyspectools import parsers

[docs]def parse_specdata(filename): # For reading the output of a SPECData analysis return pd.read_csv(filename, skiprows=4)
[docs]def parse_spectrum(filename, threshold=20.0): """ Function to read in a blackchirp or QtFTM spectrum from file """ dataframe = pd.read_csv( filename, delimiter="\t", names=["Frequency", "Intensity"], skiprows=1 ) return dataframe[dataframe["Intensity"] <= threshold]
[docs]def center_cavity(dataframe, thres=0.3, verbose=True): """ Finds the center frequency of a Doppler pair in cavity FTM measurements and provides a column of offset frequencies. Sometimes the peak finding threshold has to be tweaked to get the center frequency correctly. """ # Find the peak intensities center_indexes = peakutils.indexes(dataframe["Intensity"], thres=thres) peak_frequencies = dataframe.iloc[center_indexes]["Frequency"] # Calculate the center frequency as the average center = np.average(peak_frequencies) if verbose is True: print("Center frequency at " + str(center)) dataframe["Offset Frequency"] = dataframe["Frequency"] - center
[docs]@dataclass class Batch: assay: str id: int machine: str date: datetime.datetime scans: List = field(default_factory=list) filter: List = field(default_factory=list) exp: float = 0.0 zeropad: bool = False window: str = ""
[docs] @classmethod def from_qtftm(cls, filepath, assay, machine): """ Create a Batch object from a QtFTM scan file. :param filepath: :param assay: :param machine: :return: """ assays = ["dr", "magnet", "discharge", "dipole"] assay = assay.lower() if assay not in assays: raise Exception( "Not a valid assay type; choose dr, magnet, discharge, dipole." ) with open(filepath) as read_file: batch_df, batch_data = parse_batch(read_file.readlines()) batch_data["assay"] = assay batch_data["machine"] = machine.upper() batch_obj = cls(**batch_data) batch_obj.details = batch_df return batch_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_remote(cls, root_path, batch_id, assay, machine, ssh_obj=None): """ Create a Batch object by retrieving a QtFTM batch file from a remote location. The user must provide a path to the root directory of the batch type, e.g. /home/data/QtFTM/batch/, and the corresponding batch type ID. Additionally, the type of batch must be specified to determine the type of analysis required. Optionally, the user can provide a reference to a RemoteClient object from `pyspectools.routines`. If none is provided, a RemoteClient object will be created with public key authentication (if available), otherwise the user will be queried for a hostname, username, and password. Keep in mind this method can be slow as every scan is downloaded. I recommend creating this once, then saving a local copy for subsequent analysis. :param root_path: str path to the batch type root directory :param batch_id: int or str value for the batch number :param assay: str the batch type :param machine: str reference the machine used for the batch :param ssh_obj: `RemoteClient` object :return: """ if ssh_obj is None: default_keypath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ssh/") hostname = input("Please provide remote hostname: ") username = input("Please provide login: ") ssh_settings = {"hostname": hostname, "username": username} if os.path.isfile(default_keypath) is True: ssh_settings["key_filename"] = default_keypath else: password = input("Please provide password: ") ssh_settings["password"] = password ssh_obj = routines.RemoteClient(**ssh_settings) # Parse the scan data from remote file remote_path = os.path.join(root_path, "*", "*", str(batch_id) + ".txt") ) batch_df, batch_data = parse_batch(ssh_obj.open_remote(remote_path[0])) batch_data["assay"] = assay batch_data["machine"] = machine.upper() batch_obj = cls(**batch_data) batch_obj.details = batch_df batch_obj.remote = ssh_obj batch_obj.get_scans(root_path, return batch_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_pickle(cls, filepath): """ Method to create a Scan object from a previously pickled Scan. :param filepath: path to the Scan pickle :return: instance of the Scan object """ batch_obj = routines.read_obj(filepath) if isinstance(batch_obj, Batch) is False: raise Exception("File is not a Scan object; {}".format(type(batch_obj))) else: return batch_obj
def __repr__(self): return "{}-Batch {}".format(self.machine, def __copy__(self): batch_obj = Batch(**self.__dict__) return batch_obj
[docs] def find_scan(self, id): scans = [scan for scan in self.scans if == id] if len(scans) == 0: raise Exception("No scans were found.") else: return scans[0]
[docs] def get_scans(self, root_path, ids): """ Function to create Scan objects for all of the scans in a QtFTM batch. :param root_path: str scans root path :param ids: list scan ids :param src: str optional specifying whether a remote or local path is used """ root_path = root_path.replace("batch", "scans") path_list = tqdm( [ os.path.join(root_path, "*", "*", str(scan_id) + ".txt") for scan_id in ids ] ) if hasattr(self, "remote") is True: scans = [Scan.from_remote(path, self.remote) for path in path_list] else: scans = [Scan.from_qtftm(path) for path in path_list] self.scans = scans
[docs] def process_dr(self, significance=16.0): """ Function to batch process all of the DR measurements. :param global_depletion: float between 0. and 1. specifying the expected depletion for any line without a specific expected value. :param depletion_dict: dict with keys corresponding to cavity frequencies, and values the expected depletion value between 0. and 1. :return dr_dict: dict with keys corresponding to cavity frequency, with each value a dict of the DR frequencies, scan IDs and Scan objects. """ if self.assay != "dr": raise Exception( "Batch is not a DR test! I think it's {}".format(self.assay) ) # Find the cavity frequencies that DR was performed on progressions = self.split_progression_batch() dr_dict = dict() counter = 0 for index, progression in tqdm(progressions.items()): ref = progression.pop(0) try: ref_fit = ref.fit_cavity(plot=False) roi, ref_x, ref_y = ref.get_line_roi() signal = [np.sum(ref_y, axis=0)] sigma = ( np.average( [ np.std(scan.spectrum["Intensity"].iloc[roi]) for scan in progression ] ) * significance ) connections = [ scan for scan in progression if scan.is_depleted(ref, roi, sigma) ] if len(connections) > 1: counter += len(connections) signal.extend( [ np.sum(scan.spectrum["Intensity"].iloc[roi], axis=0) for scan in connections ] ) dr_dict[index] = { "frequencies": [scan.dr_frequency for scan in connections], "ids": [ for scan in connections], "cavity":, "signal": signal, "expected": np.sum(ref_y) - sigma, } except ValueError: print("Progression {} could not be fit; ignoring.".format(index)) print( "Possible depletions detected in these indexes: {}".format( list(dr_dict.keys()) ) ) print("There are {} possible depletions.".format(counter)) return dr_dict
[docs] def split_progression_batch(self): """ Split up a DR batch into individual progressions based on the cavity frequency and whether or not the scan IDs are consecutive. :return progressions: dict with keys corresponding to progression index and values are lists of Scans """ counter = 0 progressions = dict() self.details["id"] = self.details["id"].apply(int) for freq in self.details["ftfreq"].unique(): slice_df = self.details.loc[self.details["ftfreq"] == freq] chunks = routines.group_consecutives(slice_df["id"]) for chunk in chunks: progressions[counter] = [ scan for scan in self.scans if in chunk ] counter += 1 return progressions
[docs] def interactive_dr_batch(self): """ Create an interactive widget slider with a Plotly figure. The batch will be split up into "subbatches" by the cavity frequency and whether or not the scan IDs are consecutive. :return vbox: VBox object with the Plotly figure and slider objects """ progressions = self.split_progression_batch() fig = go.FigureWidget() fig.layout["width"] = 900.0 fig.layout["showlegend"] = False def update_figure(index): = [] fig.add_traces([scan.scatter_trace() for scan in progressions[index]]) index_slider = interactive(update_figure, index=(0, len(progressions) - 1, 1)) vbox = VBox((fig, index_slider)) vbox.layout.align_items = "center" return vbox
[docs] def plot_scans(self): """ Create a plotly figure of all of the Scans within a Batch. :return: """ fig = go.FigureWidget() fig.layout["title"] = "{} Batch {}".format(self.machine, fig.layout["showlegend"] = False fig.add_traces([scan.scatter_trace() for scan in self.scans]) return fig
[docs] def reprocess_fft(self, **kwargs): """ Reprocess all of the FIDs with specified settings. The default values are taken from the Batch attributes, and kwargs provided will override the defaults. :param kwargs: """ param_list = ["filter", "exp", "zeropad", "window"] params = { key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key in param_list } params.update(**kwargs) _ = [scan.process_fid(**params) for scan in tqdm(self.scans)]
[docs] def to_pickle(self, filepath=None, **kwargs): """ Pickles the Batch object with the joblib wrapper implemented in routines. :param filepath: optional argument to pickle to. Defaults to the {assay}-{id}.pkl :param kwargs: additional settings for the pickle operation """ if filepath is None: filepath = "{}-{}.pkl".format(self.assay, # the RemoteClient object has some thread locking going on that prevents # pickling TODO - figure out why paramiko doesn't allow pickling if hasattr(self, "remote"): delattr(self, "remote") routines.save_obj(self, filepath, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_dr_network(self, scans): """ Take a list of scans, and generate a NetworkX Graph object for analysis and plotting. :param scans: list of scan IDs to connect :return fig: Plotly FigureWidget object """ connections = [ [np.floor(scan.cavity_frequency), np.floor(scan.dr_frequency)] for scan in self.scans if in scans ] fig, self.progressions = ff.dr_network_diagram(connections) return fig
[docs] def find_optimum_scans(self, thres=0.8): """ :param thres: :return: """ progressions = self.split_progression_batch() data = list() for index, progression in tqdm(progressions.items()): snrs = [scan.calc_snr(thres=thres) for scan in progression] best_scan = progression[np.argmax(snrs)] try: fit_result = best_scan.fit_cavity(plot=False) if fit_result.best_values["w"] < 0.049: data.append( { "frequency": np.round(fit_result.best_values["x0"], 4), "snr": np.max(snrs), "scan":, "attenuation": best_scan.cavity_atten, "index": index, } ) except ValueError: print("Index {} failed to fit!".format(index)) opt_df = pd.DataFrame(data) return opt_df
[docs] def search_frequency(self, frequency, tol=0.001): """ Search the Batch scans for a particular frequency, and return any scans that lie within the tolerance window :param frequency: float specifying frequency to search :param tol: float decimal percentage to use for the search tolerance :return new_batch: a new Batch object with selected scans """ upper = frequency * (1 + tol) lower = frequency * (1 - tol) scans = [scan for scan in self.scans if lower <= scan.cavity_frequency <= upper] # new_batch = deepcopy(self) # new_batch.scans = scans return scans
[docs]@dataclass class Scan: """ DataClass for a Scan. Holds all of the relevant information that describes a FT scan, such as the ID, what machine it was collected on, and the experimental settings. Has a few class methods that will make look ups easily such as the date the scan was collected and the gases used. """ id: int machine: str fid: np.array date: datetime.datetime shots: int = 0 cavity_voltage: int = 0 cavity_atten: int = 0 cavity_frequency: float = 0.0 dr_frequency: float = 0.0 dr_power: int = 0 fid_points: int = 0 fid_spacing: float = 0.0 discharge: bool = False magnet: bool = False gases: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) filter: List = field(default_factory=list) exp: float = 0.0 zeropad: bool = False window: str = "" def __post_init__(self): """ Functions called after __init__ is called. """ # Perform FFT self.process_fid() def __deepcopy__(self): """ Dunder method to produce a deep copy - this will be used when manipulating multiple Scan objects. :return: A deep copy of the current Scan object """ class Empty(self.__class__): def __init__(self): pass new_scan = Empty() new_scan.__class__ = self.__class__ new_scan.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return new_scan def __repr__(self): return str(f"Scan {}")
[docs] def average(self, others): """ Dunder method to co-average two or more Scans in the time domain. :param other: Scan object, or tuple/list :return: A new Scan object with the co-added FID """ new_scan = self.__deepcopy__() try: new_scan.fid = np.average(others.extend(new_scan.fid), axis=0) new_scan.average_ids = [ for scan in others] # If there is no extend method, then assume we're working with a # single Scan except AttributeError: new_scan.fid = np.average([new_scan.fid, others.fid], axis=0) new_scan.average_ids = [] new_scan.process_fid() return new_scan
def __add__(self, other): """ Dunder method to co-add two or more Scans in the time domain. :param other: Scan object, or tuple/list :return: A new Scan object with the co-added FID """ new_scan = self.__deepcopy__() new_scan.fid = np.sum([new_scan.fid, other.fid], axis=0) new_scan.process_fid() return new_scan def __sub__(self, other): """ Dunder method to subtract another Scan from the current Scan in the time domain. i.e. this scan - other scan :param other: Scan object, or tuple/list :return: A new Scan object with the subtracted FID """ new_scan = self.__deepcopy__() new_scan.fid = np.subtract(new_scan.fid, other.fid) new_scan.process_fid() return new_scan
[docs] def subtract_frequency(self, other): """ Method to subtract another Scan from the current in the frequency domain. :param other: Scan object to subtract with :return: A new Scan object with the subtracted spectrum """ new_scan = self.__deepcopy__() new_scan.spectrum["Intensity"] = ( new_scan.spectrum["Intensity"] - other.spectrum["Intensity"] ) new_scan.subtracted = return new_scan
[docs] def add_frequency(self, other): """ Method to add another Scan from the current in the frequency domain. :param other: Scan object to add with :return: A new Scan object with the co-added spectrum """ new_scan = self.__deepcopy__() new_scan.spectrum["Intensity"] = ( new_scan.spectrum["Intensity"] + other.spectrum["Intensity"] ) new_scan.subtracted = return new_scan
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data_dict): """ Function to initialize a Scan object from a dictionary of FT scan data collected from `parse_scan`. :param data_dict: dict containing parsed data from FT :return: Scan object """ scan_obj = cls(**data_dict) return scan_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_qtftm(cls, filepath): """ Method to initialize a Scan object from a FT scan file. Will load the lines into memory and parse the data into a dictionary, which then gets passed into a Scan object. :param filepath: str path to FID file :return: Scan object """ with open(filepath) as read_file: data_dict = parse_scan(read_file.readlines()) scan_obj = cls(**data_dict) return scan_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_pickle(cls, filepath): """ Method to create a Scan object from a previously pickled Scan. :param filepath: path to the Scan pickle :return: instance of the Scan object """ scan_obj = routines.read_obj(filepath) if isinstance(scan_obj, Scan) is False: raise Exception("File is not a Scan object; {}".format(type(scan_obj))) else: return scan_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_remote(cls, remote_path, ssh_obj=None): """ Method to initialize a Scan object from a remote server. Has the option to pass an instance of a paramiko SSHClient, which would be useful in a Batch. If none is supplied, an instance will be created. :param remote_path: str remote path to the file :param ssh_obj: optional argument to supply a paramiko SSHClient object :return: Scan object from remote QtFTM file """ if ssh_obj is None: default_keypath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ssh/") hostname = input("Please provide remote hostname: ") username = input("Please provide login: ") ssh_settings = {"hostname": hostname, "username": username} if os.path.isfile(default_keypath) is True: ssh_settings["key_filename"] = default_keypath else: password = input("Please provide password: ") ssh_settings["password"] = password ssh_obj = routines.RemoteClient(**ssh_settings) # Parse the scan data from remote file data_dict = parse_scan(ssh_obj.open_remote(remote_path)) scan_obj = cls(**data_dict) return scan_obj
[docs] def to_file(self, filepath, format="yaml"): """ Method to dump data to YAML format. Extensions are automatically decided, but can also be supplied. parameters: -------------------- :param filepath - str path to yaml file :param format - str denoting the syntax used for dumping. Defaults to YAML. """ if "." not in filepath: if format == "json": filepath += ".json" else: filepath += ".yml" if format == "json": writer = routines.dump_json else: writer = routines.dump_yaml writer(filepath, self.__dict__)
[docs] def to_pickle(self, filepath=None, **kwargs): """ Pickles the Scan object with the joblib wrapper implemented in routines. :param filepath: optional argument to pickle to. Defaults to the id.pkl :param kwargs: additional settings for the pickle operation """ if filepath is None: filepath = "{}.pkl".format( routines.save_obj(self, filepath, **kwargs)
[docs] def process_fid(self, **kwargs): """ Perform an FFT on the FID to yield the frequency domain spectrum. Kwargs are passed into the FID processing, which will override the Scan attributes. :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for processing the FID """ # Calculate the frequency bins frequencies = np.linspace( self.cavity_frequency, self.cavity_frequency + 1.0, len(self.fid) ) # Calculate the time bins time = np.linspace(0.0, self.fid_spacing * self.fid_points, self.fid_points) process_list = ["window", "filter", "exp", "zeropad"] process_dict = { key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key in process_list } # Override with user settings process_dict.update(**kwargs) temp_fid = np.copy(self.fid) self.spectrum = fid2fft( temp_fid, 1.0 / self.fid_spacing, frequencies, **process_dict ) self.fid_df = pd.DataFrame({"Time (us)": time * 1e6, "FID": temp_fid})
[docs] def within_time(self, date_range): """ Function for determining of the scan was taken between a specified date range in month/day/year, in the format 04/09/08 for April 9th, 2008. :param date_range: list containing the beginning and end date strings :return: bool - True if within range, False otherwise """ try: early = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_range[0], "%m/%d/%y") except: early = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) try: late = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_range[1], "%m/%d/%y") except: late = datetime.datetime(9999, 1, 1) return early <= <= late
[docs] def is_depleted(self, ref, roi=None, depletion=None): """ Function for determining if the signal in this Scan is less than that of another scan. This is done by a simple comparison of the average of 10 largest intensities in the two spectra. If the current scan is less intense than the reference by the expected depletion percentage, then it is "depleted". This function can be used to determine if a scan if depleted in DR/magnet/discharge assays. TODO - implement a chi squared test of sorts to determine if a depletion is statistically significant :param ref: second Scan object for comparison :param depletion: percentage of depletion expected of the reference :return: bool - True if signal in this Scan is less intense than the reference """ y_ref = ref.spectrum["Intensity"].values y_obs = self.spectrum["Intensity"].values self.ref_freq = self.ref_id = if roi: y_ref = y_ref[roi] y_obs = y_obs[roi] # This doesn't work, or is not particularly discriminating. # chisq, p_value = chisquare( # y_obs, y_ref # ) if depletion is None: sigma = np.std(y_obs, axis=0) * 16.0 else: sigma = depletion expected = np.sum(y_ref, axis=0) - sigma return np.sum(y_obs, axis=0) <= expected
[docs] def scatter_trace(self): """ Create a Plotly Scattergl trace. Called by the Batch function, although performance-wise it takes forever to plot up ~3000 scans. :return trace: Scattergl object """ text = "Scan ID: {}<br>Cavity: {}<br>DR: {}<br>Magnet: {}<br>Attn: {}".format(, self.cavity_frequency, self.dr_frequency, self.magnet, self.cavity_atten, ) trace = go.Scattergl( x=np.linspace(, + 1, len(self.spectrum["Intensity"])), y=self.spectrum["Intensity"], text=text, marker={"color": "rgb(43,140,190)"}, hoverinfo="text", ) return trace
[docs] def fit_cavity(self, plot=True, verbose=False): """ Perform a fit to the cavity spectrum. Uses a paired Gaussian model that minimizes the number of fitting parameters. :param plot: bool specify whether a Plotly figure is made :return: Model Fit result """ y = self.spectrum["Intensity"].dropna().values x = self.spectrum["Frequency (MHz)"].dropna().values model = fitting.PairGaussianModel() result = model.fit_pair(x, y, verbose=verbose) self.spectrum["Fit"] = result.best_fit = result =["x0"] if plot is True: fig = go.FigureWidget() fig.layout["xaxis"]["title"] = "Frequency (MHz)" fig.layout["xaxis"]["tickformat"] = ".2f" fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y, name="Observed") fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=result.best_fit, name="Fit") return result, fig else: return result
[docs] def get_line_roi(self): if hasattr(self, "fit") is False: raise Exception("Auto peak fitting has not been run yet!") # Get one of the Doppler horns plus 4sigma params = x = self.spectrum["Frequency (MHz)"].values y = self.spectrum["Intensity"].values _, low_end = routines.find_nearest( x, params["x0"] - params["xsep"] - params["w"] * 4.0 ) _, high_end = routines.find_nearest( x, params["x0"] + params["xsep"] + params["w"] * 4.0 ) index = list(range(low_end, high_end)) return index, x[low_end:high_end], y[low_end:high_end]
[docs] def calc_snr(self, noise=None, thres=0.6): if noise is None: # Get the last 10 points at the end and at the beginning noise = np.average( [ self.spectrum["Intensity"].iloc[-10:], self.spectrum["Intensity"].iloc[:10], ] ) peaks = ( self.spectrum["Intensity"] .iloc[ peakutils.indexes( self.spectrum["Intensity"], thres=thres, thres_abs=True ) ] .values ) signal = np.average(np.sort(peaks)[:2]) return signal / noise
[docs]def parse_scan(filecontents): """ Function for extracting the FID data from an FT scan. The data is returned as a dictionary, which can be used to initialize a Scan object. :param filecontents: list of lines from an FID file :return: dict containing parsed data from FID """ data = {"gases": dict()} # FID regex fid_regex = re.compile(r"^fid\d*", re.M) # Regex to find gas channels gas_regex = re.compile(r"^#Gas \d name", re.M) flow_regex = re.compile(r"^#Gas \d flow", re.M) # Regex to detect which channel is set to the discharge dc_regex = re.compile(r"^#Pulse ch \d name\s*DC", re.M) dc_channel = None for index, line in enumerate(filecontents): if "#Scan" in line: split_line = line.split() data["id"] = int(split_line[1]) try: data["machine"] = split_line[2] except IndexError: data["machine"] = "FT1" if "#Probe freq" in line: data["cavity_frequency"] = float(line.split()[2]) if "#Shots" in line: data["shots"] = int(line.split()[-1]) if "#Date" in line: strip_targets = ["#Date", "\t", "\n"] data["date"] = datetime.datetime.strptime( re.sub("|".join(strip_targets), "", line), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" ) if "#Cavity Voltage" in line: data["cavity_voltage"] = int(line.split()[2]) if "#Attenuation" in line: data["cavity_atten"] = int(line.split()[1]) if "#DR freq" in line: data["dr_frequency"] = float(line.split()[2]) if "#DR power" in line: data["dr_power"] = int(line.split()[2]) if "#FID spacing" in line: data["fid_spacing"] = float(re.findall(r"\de[+-]?\d\d", line)[0]) if "#FID points" in line: data["fid_points"] = int(line.split()[-1]) # Get the name of the gas if gas_regex.match(line): split_line = line.split() # Only bother parsing if the channel is used gas_index = int(split_line[1]) try: data["gases"][gas_index] = {"gas": " ".join(split_line[3:])} except IndexError: data["gases"][gas_index] = {"gas": ""} # Get the flow rate for channel if flow_regex.match(line): split_line = line.split() gas_index = int(split_line[1]) data["gases"][gas_index]["flow"] = float(split_line[3]) if "#Magnet enabled" in line: data["magnet"] = bool(int(line.split()[2])) # Find the channel the discharge is set to and compile a regex # to look for the channel if dc_regex.match(line): dc_index = line.split()[2] dc_channel = re.compile(r"^#Pulse ch {} enabled".format(dc_index), re.M) # Once the discharge channel index is known, start searching for it if dc_channel: if dc_channel.match(line): data["discharge"] = bool(int(line.split()[-1])) # Find when the FID lines start popping up if fid_regex.match(line): fid = filecontents[index + 1 :] fid = [float(value) for value in fid] data["fid"] = np.array(fid) return data
[docs]def perform_fft(fid, spacing, start=0, stop=-1, window="boxcar"): """ Perform an FFT on an FID to get the frequency domain spectrum. All of the arguments are optional, and provide control over how the FFT is performed, as well as post-processing parameters like window functions and zero-padding. This is based on the FFT code by Kyle Crabtree, with modifications to fit this dataclass. Parameters ---------- fid - Numpy 1D array Array holding the values of the FID spacing - float Time spacing between FID points in microseconds start - int, optional Starting index for the FID array to perform the FFT stop - int, optional End index for the FID array to perform the FFT zpf - int, optional Pad the FID with zeros to nth nearest power of 2 window - str Specify the window function used to process the FID. Defaults to boxcar, which is effectively no filtering. The names of the window functions available can be found at: Returns ------- """ fid = np.copy(fid) if window is not None and window in window_f =, fid.size) fid *= window_f else: raise Exception("Specified window function is not implemented in SciPy!") # Set values to zero up to starting index fid[:start] = 0.0 if stop < 0: # If we're using negative indexes fid[fid.size + stop :] = 0.0 else: # Otherwise, index with a positive number fid[stop:] = 0.0 # Perform the FFT fft = np.fft.rfft(fid) read_length = len(fid) // 2 + 1 df = 1.0 / fid.size / spacing # Generate the frequency array frequency = np.linspace(0.0, self.header["sideband"] * df, read_length) frequency += self.header["probe_freq"] fft[(frequency >= f_max) & (frequency <= f_min)] = 0.0 fft *= 1000.0 return frequency, fft
[docs]def fid2fft(fid, rate, frequencies, **kwargs): """ Process an FID by performing an FFT to yield the frequency domain information. Kwargs are passed as additional processing options, and are implemented as some case statements to ensure the settings are valid (e.g. conforms to sampling rate, etc.) :param fid: np.array corresponding to the FID intensity :param rate: sampling rate in Hz :param frequencies: np.array corresponding to the frequency bins :param kwargs: signal processing options: delay - delays the FID processing by setting the start of the FID to zero zeropad - Toggles whether or not the number of sampled points is doubled to get artificially higher resolution in the FFT window - Various window functions provided by `scipy.signal` exp - Specifies an exponential filter filter - 2-tuple specifying the frequency cutoffs for a band pass filter :return: freq_df - pandas dataframe with the FFT spectrum """ # Remove DC new_fid = fid - np.average(fid) if "delay" in kwargs: delay = int(kwargs["delay"] / (1.0 / rate) / 1e6) new_fid[:delay] = 0.0 # Zero-pad the FID if "zeropad" in kwargs: if kwargs["zeropad"] is True: # Pad the FID with zeros to get higher resolution fid = np.append(new_fid, np.zeros(len(new_fid))) # Since we've padded with zeros, we'll have to update the # frequency array frequencies = spsig.resample(frequencies, len(frequencies) * 2) # Apply a window function to the FID if "window" in kwargs: if kwargs["window"] in new_fid *= spsig.get_window(kwargs["window"], new_fid.size) # Apply an exponential filter on the FID if "exp" in kwargs: if kwargs["exp"] > 0.0: new_fid *= spsig.exponential(len(new_fid), tau=kwargs["exp"]) # Apply a bandpass filter on the FID if ("filter" in kwargs) and (len(kwargs["filter"]) == 2): low, high = sorted(kwargs["filter"]) if low < high: new_fid = apply_butter_filter(new_fid, low, high, rate) # Perform the FFT fft = np.fft.rfft(new_fid) # Get the real part of the FFT, and only the non-duplicated side real_fft = np.abs(fft[: int(len(new_fid) / 2)]) / len(new_fid) * 1e3 frequencies = spsig.resample(frequencies, real_fft.size) # For some reason, resampling screws up the frequency ordering... real_fft = real_fft[np.argsort(frequencies)] frequencies = np.sort(frequencies) # Package into a pandas dataframe freq_df = pd.DataFrame({"Frequency (MHz)": frequencies, "Intensity": real_fft}) return freq_df
[docs]def butter_bandpass(low, high, rate, order=1): """ A modified version of the Butterworth bandpass filter described here, adapted for use with the FID signal. The arguments are: :param low The low frequency cut-off, given in kHz. :param high The high frequency cut-off, given in kHz. :param rate The sampling rate, given in Hz. From the FIDs, this means that the inverse of the FID spacing is used. :return bandpass window """ # Calculate the Nyquist frequency nyq = 0.5 * (rate / (2.0 * np.pi)) low = (low * 1e3) / nyq high = (high * 1e3) / nyq if high > 1.0: raise Exception("High frequency cut-off exceeds the Nyquist frequency.") b, a = spsig.butter(order, [low, high], btype="band", analog=False) return b, a
[docs]def apply_butter_filter(data, low, high, rate, order=1): """ A modified Butterworth bandpass filter, adapted from the Scipy cookbook. The argument data supplies the FID, which then uses the scipy signal processing function to apply the digital filter, and returns the filtered FID. See the `butter_bandpass` function for additional arguments. """ b, a = butter_bandpass(low, high, rate, order=order) y = spsig.lfilter(b, a, data) return y
[docs]def parse_batch(filecontents): data = dict() for index, line in enumerate(filecontents): if "#Batch scan" in line: data["id"] = int(line.split()[2]) if "#Date" in line: strip_targets = ["#Date", "\t", "\n"] data["date"] = datetime.datetime.strptime( re.sub("|".join(strip_targets), "", line), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" ) if line.startswith("batchscan"): scan_details = filecontents[index + 1 :] scan_details = [scan.split() for scan in scan_details] headers = [ "id", "max", "iscal", "issat", "ftfreq", "attn", "drfreq", "drpower", "pulses", "shots", "autofitpair_freq", "autofitpair_int", "autofitfreq", "autofitint", ] df = pd.DataFrame(scan_details, columns=headers) return df, data
[docs]def generate_ftb_line(frequency, shots, **kwargs): """ Function that generates an FTB file for a list of frequencies, plus categorization tests. kwargs are passed as additional options for the ftb batch. Keywords are: magnet: bool dipole: float atten: int skiptune: bool drfreq: float drpower: int cal parameters: --------------- :param frequency: float for frequency in MHz :param shots: int number of shots to integrate for returns: --------------- :return ftbline: str """ line = "ftm:{:.4f} shots:{}".format(frequency, shots) for key, value in kwargs.items(): line += " {}:{}".format(key, value) line += "\n" return line
[docs]def neu_categorize_frequencies(frequencies, intensities=None, nshots=50, **kwargs): """ Routine to generate an FTB batch file for performing a series of tests on frequencies. """ ftb_string = "" if intensities: norm_int = intensities / np.max(intensities) shotcounts = np.round(nshots / norm_int).astype(int) else: shotcounts = np.full(len(frequencies), nshots, dtype=int) # default settings for all stuff param_dict = { "dipole": 1.0, "magnet": "false", "drpower": "10", "skiptune": "false", } param_dict.update(kwargs) for freq, shot in zip(frequencies, shotcounts): ftb_string += generate_ftb_str(freq, shot, **param_dict) if "magnet" in kwargs: param_dict["magnet"] = "true" ftb_string += generate_ftb_str(freq, shot, **param_dict)
[docs]def categorize_frequencies( frequencies, nshots=50, intensities=None, power=None, attn_list=None, dipole=None, attn=None, magnet=False, dr=False, discharge=False, ): """ Function that will format an FT batch file to perform categorization tests, with some flexibility on how certain tests are performed. """ ftb_str = "" if intensities is None: shots = np.full(len(frequencies), nshots, dtype=int) else: shots = np.sqrt(nshots / intensities).astype(int) if dipole: if attn is None: # If dipole test requested, but no attenuation # supplied do the default sweep dipole_test = [0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0] dipole_flag = "dipole" else: # Otherwise run specific attenuations dipole_test = attn_list dipole_flag = "atten" if dr is True: freq_list = combinations(frequencies, 2) print(list(freq_list)) else: freq_list = frequencies # loop over each frequency and number of shots for value, shotcount in zip(freq_list, shots): if dr is True: freq, dr_freq = value else: freq = value # Generate normal observation try: freq = float(freq) shotcount = int(shotcount) if dr is True: dr_freq = float(dr_freq) ftb_str += generate_ftb_line(freq, shotcount, **{"skiptune": "false"}) if dr is True: ftb_str += generate_ftb_line( freq, shotcount, **{"skiptune": "true", "drfreq": dr_freq} ) if dipole is True: for dipole_value in dipole_test: ftb_str += generate_ftb_line( freq, shotcount, **{dipole_flag: dipole_value} ) if magnet is True: ftb_str += generate_ftb_line(freq, shotcount, **{"magnet": "true"}) if discharge is True: # Toggle the discharge stack on and off ftb_str += generate_ftb_line( freq, shotcount, **{"pulse,1,enabled": "false"} ) ftb_str += generate_ftb_line( freq, shotcount, **{"pulse,1,enabled": "true"} ) except ValueError: print("Error with " + str(value)) return ftb_str
[docs]def calculate_integration_times(intensity, nshots=50): """ Method for calculating the expected integration time in shot counts based on the intensity; either theoretical line strengths or SNR. parameters: --------------- intensity - array of intensity metric; e.g. SNR nshots - optional int number of shots used for the strongest line returns: --------------- shot_counts - array of shot counts for each frequency """ norm_int = intensity / np.max(intensity) shot_counts = np.round(nshots / norm_int).astype(int) return shot_counts
[docs]class AssayBatch:
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv(cls, filepath, exp_id): """ Create an AssayBatch session by providing a filepath to a file containing the frequency and intensity information, as well as the experiment ID from which it was based. parameters: -------------- filepath - path to a CSV file with Frequency/Intensity columns exp_id - experiment ID; typically the chirp experiment number """ df = pd.read_csv(filepath) return cls(df, exp_id)
[docs] @classmethod def load_session(cls, filepath): """ Loads a previously saved AssayBatch session. """ session = routines.read_obj(filepath) obj = cls(**session) return obj
def __init__(self, data, exp_id, freq_col="Frequency", int_col="Intensity"): folders = ["assays", "ftbfiles"] for folder in folders: if os.path.isdir(folder) is False: os.mkdir(folder) if os.path.isdir("assays/plots") is False: os.mkdir("./assays/plots") = data self.exp_id = exp_id if freq_col not in self.freq_col =[0] else: self.freq_col = freq_col if int_col not in self.int_col =[0] else: self.int_col = int_col
[docs] def calc_scan_SNR(self, peak_int, noise_array): """ Calculate the signal-to-noise ratio of a peak for a given reference noise intensity array and peak intensity. """ noise = np.mean(noise_array) return peak_int / noise
[docs] def dipole_analysis( self, batch_path, thres=0.5, dipoles=[1.0, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0], snr_thres=5.0, ): """ Method for determining the optimal dipole moment to use for each frequency in a given exported batch of dipole tests. In addition to returning a pandas dataframe, it is also stored as the object attribute dipole_df. parameters: ---------------- batch_path - filepath to the exported XY file from a QtFTM batch thres - threshold in absolute intensity for peak detection (in Volts) dipoles - list of dipole moments used in the screening snr_thres - threshold in signal-to-noise for line detection returns: ---------------- optimal_df - pandas dataframe containing the optimal dipole moments """ batch_df = pd.read_csv(batch_path, sep="\t") batch_df.columns = ["Scan", "Intensity"] # Reference scan numbers from the batch scan_numbers = np.unique(np.around(batch_df["Scan"]).astype(int)) # Make a dataframe for what we expect everything should be full_df = pd.DataFrame( data=list(product(["Frequency"], dipoles)), columns=["Frequency", "Dipole"], ) full_df["Scan"] = scan_numbers # Loop over each scan, and determine whether or not there is a peak # If there is sufficiently strong feature, add it to the list with the # scan number detected_scans = list() for index, scan in enumerate(scan_numbers): scan_slice = batch_df.loc[ (batch_df["Scan"] >= scan - 0.5) & (batch_df["Scan"] <= scan + 0.5) ] # Find the peaks based on absolute signal intensity # Assumption is that everything is integrated for the same period of time peaks = scan_slice.iloc[ peakutils.indexes(scan_slice["Intensity"], thres=thres, thres_abs=True) ].sort_values(["Intensity"], ascending=False) peak_int = np.average(peaks["Intensity"][:2]) snr = self.calc_scan_SNR(peak_int, scan_slice["Intensity"][-10:]) if snr >= snr_thres: detected_scans.append([scan, snr]) snr_df = pd.DataFrame(data=detected_scans, columns=["Scan", "SNR"]) # Merge the dataframes based on scan number. This will identify # scans where we observe a line obs_df = full_df.merge(snr_df, on=["Scan"], copy=False) optimal_data = list() # Loop over each frequency in order to determine the optimal # dipole moment to use for frequency in np.unique(obs_df["Frequency"]): slice_df = obs_df.loc[obs_df["Frequency"] == frequency] # Sort the best response dipole moment at the top slice_df.sort_values(["SNR"], inplace=True, ascending=False) slice_df.index = np.arange(len(slice_df)) optimal_data.append(slice_df.iloc[0].values) optimal_df = pd.DataFrame( optimal_data, columns=["Frequency", "Dipole", "Scan", "SNR"] ) optimal_df.sort_values(["SNR"], ascending=False, inplace=True) self.dipole_df = optimal_df # Generate histogram of dipole moments with"publication"): fig, ax = plt.subplots() self.dipole_df["Dipole"].hist(ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel("Dipole (D)") ax.set_ylabel("Counts") fig.savefig( "./assays/plots/{}-dipole.pdf".format(self.exp_id), format="pdf", transparent=True, ) return optimal_df
[docs] def generate_magnet_test(self, dataframe=None, cal=False, nshots=50, **kwargs): """ Generate an FT batch file for performing magnetic tests. parameters: ----------------- dataframe - dataframe used for the frequency information. By default the dipole dataframe will be used. cal - bool denoting whether a calibration line is used. A user can provide it in kwargs, or use the default which is the first line in the dataframe (strongest if sorted by intensity) nshots - optional int specifying number of shots for each line, or if SNR is in the dataframe, the number of shots for the strongest line. kwargs - passed into the calibration settings, which are cal_freq, cal_rate, and cal_shots """ if dataframe is None: dataframe = self.dipole_df dataframe["Shots"] = calculate_integration_times( dataframe["SNR"].values, nshots ) ftb_str = "" # If there are no shots determined, if "Shots" not in dataframe: dataframe["Shots"] = nshots # If calibration is requested # cal_rate sets the number of scans per calibration if cal is True: cal_settings = { "cal_freq": dataframe["Frequency"][0], "cal_rate": 100, "cal_shots": dataframe["Shots"][0], } if "Dipole" in dataframe: cal_settings["cal_dipole"] = dataframe["Dipole"][0] cal_settings.update(kwargs) # Generate the calibration string cal_str = generate_ftb_line( cal_settings["cal_freq"], cal_settings["cal_shots"], **{"dipole": cal_settings["cal_dipole"], "skiptune": "false"}, ) cal_str = cal_str.replace("\n", " cal\n") # generate the batch file for index, row in dataframe.iterrows(): # If we want to add a calibration line if index % cal_settings["cal_rate"] == 0: ftb_str += cal_str param_dict = {} # Make sure the magnet is off if "Dipole" in row: param_df["dipole"] = row["Dipole"] param_df["magnet"] = "false" param_df["skiptune"] = "false" ftb_str += generate_ftb_line(row["Frequency"], row["Shots"], **param_df) # Turn on the magnet param_df["skiptune"] = "true" param_df["magnet"] = "true" ftb_str += generate_ftb_line(row["Frequency"], row["Shots"], **param_df) with open("./ftbfiles/{}.ftb".format(self.exp_id), "w+") as write_file: write_file.write(ftb_str)
[docs] def generate_bruteforce_dr(self, nshots=10, dr_channel=3): """ Brute force double resonance test on every single frequency observed in the initial dipole test. This method will perform DR measurements on sequentially weaker lines, if the dipole_df is sorted by SNR. Optionally, the """ ftb_str = "" combos = combinations(self.dipole_df[["Frequency", "Dipole"]].values, 2) for index, combo in enumerate(combos): # For the first time a cavity frequency is used # we will measure it once without DR freq = combo[0][0] if (index == 0) or (last_freq != freq): ftb_str += generate_ftb_line( freq, nshots, **{ "dipole": combo[0][1], "pulse,{},enable".format(dr_channel): "false", "skiptune": "false", }, ) # Only do DR if the DR frequency is significantly different from # the cavity frequency if np.abs(combo[1][0] - freq) >= 100.0: ftb_str += generate_ftb_line( freq, nshots, **{ "dipole": combo[0][1], "drfreq": combo[1][0], "pulse,{},enable".format(dr_channel): "true", "skiptune": "true", }, ) last_freq = combo[0][0] print("There are {} combinations to measure.".format(index)) with open("./ftbfiles/{}-bruteDR.ftb".format(self.exp_id), "w+") as write_file: write_file.write(ftb_str) print("FTB file saved to ./ftbfiles/{}-bruteDR.ftb".format(self.exp_id))
[docs] def find_progressions(self, **kwargs): """ Uses the dipole assay data to look for harmonic progression. Kwargs are passed into the affinity propagation clustering; usually this means "preference" should be set to tune the number of clusters. returns: -------------- cluster_dict - dictionary containing all of the clustered progressions """ progressions = analysis.harmonic_finder(self.dipole_df["Frequency"].values) self.progression_df = fitting.harmonic_fitter(progressions) data, ap_obj = analysis.cluster_AP_analysis( self.progression_df, True, False, **kwargs ) self.cluster_dict = data self.cluster_obj = ap_obj return self.cluster_dict
[docs] def generate_progression_test(self, nshots=50, dr_channel=3): """ Take the dipole moment dataframe and generate a DR batch. If possible, we will instead use the progressions predicted by the cluster model. """ ftb_str = "" count = 0 # Loop over progressions for index, sub_dict in self.cluster_dict.items(): # Take only frequencies that are in the current progression slice_df = self.dipole_df.loc[ self.dipole_df["Frequency"].isin(sub_dict["Frequencies"]) ] prog_data = slice_df[["Frequency", "Dipole", "Shots"]].values for sub_index, pair in enumerate(combinations(prog_data, 2)): count += 1 if (sub_index == 0) or (last_freq != pair[0][0]): ftb_str += generate_ftb_line( pair[0][0], 10, **{ "dipole": pair[0][1], "pulse,{},enable".format(dr_channel): "false", "skiptune": "false", }, ) # Perform the DR measurement ftb_str += generate_ftb_line( pair[0][0], 10, **{ "dipole": pair[0][1], "pulse,{},enable".format(dr_channel): "true", "skiptune": "true", }, ) last_freq = pair[0][0] print("There are {} combinations to test.".format(count)) with open( "./ftbfiles/{}-progressionDR.ftb".format(self.exp_id), "w+" ) as write_file: write_file.write(ftb_str) print("FTB file saved to ./ftbfiles/{}-progressionDR.ftb".format(self.exp_id))
[docs] def plot_scan(self, scan_number=None): """ Quick method for plotting up a strip to highlight a particular scan in a batch. parameters: --------------- scan_number - float corresponding to the scan """ fig = go.FigureWidget() fig.add_scatter(["Scan"],["Intensity"]) if scan_number is not None: fig.add_bar(x=[scan_number], y=[np.max(["Intensity"])]) return fig
[docs] def static_plot(self, scan_number, dataframe=None): """ Produce a static plot with matplotlib of a particular scan from a batch. Saves the plot to ./assays/plots/ By default, the full dataframe will be used for the plotting. Other dataframes (such as from other assays) can also be used. parameters: --------------- scan_number - float corresponding to the scan of interest dataframe - optional arg; pandas dataframe with Scan/Intensity """ if dataframe is None: dataframe = slice_df = dataframe.loc[ (dataframe["Scan"] >= scan_number - 1.5) & (dataframe["Scan"] <= scan_number + 1.5) ] scan_numbers = np.unique(np.round(slice_df["Scan"])) with"publication"): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(slice_df["Scan"], slice_df["Intensity"]) ax.set_xticks(scan_numbers) # Makes the x axis not scientific notation ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.set_xlabel("Scan number") ax.set_ylabel("Intensity") fig.savefig( "./assays/plots/{}.pdf".format(scan_number), format="pdf", transparent=True, )
[docs] def save_session(self, filepath=None): """ Method to save the current assay analysis session to disk. The data can be reloaded using the AssayBatch.load_session class method. parameters: --------------- filepath - path to save the data to. By default, the path will be the experiment ID. """ if filepath is None: filepath = "./assays/{}-assay-analysis.dat".format(self.exp_id) routines.save_obj(self.__dict__, filepath) print("Saved session to {}".format(filepath))
[docs]def predict_prolate_series(progressions, J_thres=0.1): fit_df, fits = fitting.harmonic_fitter(progressions, J_thres) J_model = LinearModel() BJ_model = fitting.BJModel() predictions = dict() for index, row in fit_df.iterrows(): row = row.dropna() J_values = row[[col for col in row.keys() if "J" in str(col)]].values if len(J_values) > 2: J_fit =, x=np.arange(len(J_values))) J_predicted = J_fit.eval(x=np.arange(-10, 10, 1)) BJ_params = row[["B", "D"]].values freq_predicted = BJ_model.eval( J=J_predicted, B=BJ_params[0], D=BJ_params[1] ) elif len(J_values) == 2: frequencies = row[[2, 4]].values approx_B = np.abs(np.diff(frequencies)) next_freq = np.max(frequencies) + approx_B low_freq = np.min(frequencies) - approx_B freq_predicted = np.concatenate( (frequencies, [next_freq, low_freq]), axis=None ) freq_predicted = np.sort(freq_predicted) J_predicted = freq_predicted / approx_B # Filter out negative frequencies freq_predicted = freq_predicted[0.0 < freq_predicted] predictions[index] = { "predicted_freq": freq_predicted, "predicted_J": J_predicted, } return predictions
[docs]@dataclass class BlackchirpExperiment: exp_id: int fid_start: int = 0 fid_end: int = -1 ft_min: float = 0.0 ft_max: float = 40000.0 ft_filter: str = "boxcar" freq_offset: float = 0.0 fids: List = field(default_factory=list) header: Dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dir(cls, filepath): exp_id, header, fids, timedata = parsers.parse_blackchirp(filepath) exp_obj = cls(exp_id=exp_id, header=header, fids=fids) return exp_obj
[docs] def process_ffts(self, weighting=None): """ Batch perform FFTs on all of the FIDs. The end result is a Pandas DataFrame with the Frequency and Intensity data, where the intensity is just the weighted co-average of all the FFTs. By default, every FID is equally weighted. Parameters ---------- weighting Returns ------- """ weight_factors = {index: 1.0 for index in range(len(self.fids))} if weighting: weight_factors.update(**weighting) # Work out the frequency bins frequency = self.fids[0].determine_frequencies() # Weight the FIDs weighted_fids = [ self.fids[index][1] * weight for index, weight in weight_factors.items() ] averaged = np.sum(weighted_fids) / np.sum( [weight for weight in weight_factors.values()] ) # Calculate the sample rate; inverse of the spacing, converted back to seconds rate = 1.0 / self.header["spacing"] / 1e6 fid2fft(averaged, rate, frequency) spectrum_df = pd.DataFrame( {"Frequency": fft_data[0][0] + self.freq_offset, "Intensity": averaged} ) self.spectrum = spectrum_df return spectrum_df
[docs]@dataclass class BlackChirpFid: xy_data: np.array header: Dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @classmethod def from_binary(cls, filepath): """ Create a BlackChirp FID object from a binary BlackChirp FID file. Parameters ---------- filepath - str Filepath to the BlackChirp .fid file Returns ------- BlackChirpFid object """ param_dict, xy_data, _ = parsers.read_binary_fid(filepath) fid_obj = cls(xy_data, param_dict) return fid_obj
[docs] def to_pickle(self, filepath, **kwargs): """ Save the Blackchirp FID to a pickle file. Parameters ---------- filepath - str Filepath to save the FID to kwargs - dict-like Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the pickle function. """ routines.save_obj(self, filepath, **kwargs)
[docs] def perform_fft(self, start=0, stop=-1, window="boxcar", f_min=0.0, f_max=30000.0): """ Perform an FFT on the current FID to get the frequency domain spectrum. All of the arguments are optional, and provide control over how the FFT is performed, as well as post-processing parameters like window functions and zero-padding. This is based on the FFT code by Kyle Crabtree, with modifications to fit this dataclass. Parameters ---------- start - int, optional Starting index for the FID array to perform the FFT stop - int, optional End index for the FID array to perform the FFT zpf - int, optional Pad the FID with zeros to nth nearest power of 2 window - str Specify the window function used to process the FID. Defaults to boxcar, which is effectively no filtering. The names of the window functions available can be found at: f_min - float Specify the minimum frequency in the spectrum; everything below this value is set to zero f_max - float Specify the maximum frequency in the spectrum; everything above this value is set to zero Returns ------- """ fid = np.copy(self.xy_data[1]) if window is not None and window in window_f =, fid.size) fid *= window_f else: raise Exception("Specified window function is not implemented in SciPy!") # Set values to zero up to starting index fid[:start] = 0.0 if stop < 0: # If we're using negative indexes fid[fid.size + stop :] = 0.0 else: # Otherwise, index with a positive number fid[stop:] = 0.0 # Perform the FFT fft = np.fft.rfft(fid) read_length = len(fid) // 2 + 1 df = 1.0 / fid.size / self.header["spacing"] # Generate the frequency array frequency = np.linspace(0.0, self.header["sideband"] * df, read_length) frequency += self.header["probe_freq"] fft[(frequency >= f_max) & (frequency <= f_min)] = 0.0 fft *= 1000.0 return frequency, fft
[docs] def determine_frequencies(self): """ Calculate the frequency bins for the FFT. Returns ------- frequency - numpy 1D array Array containing the frequency bins (x values) """ fid = self.xy_data[1] df = 1.0 / fid.size / self.header["spacing"] read_length = len(fid) // 2 + 1 # Generate the frequency array frequency = np.linspace(0.0, self.header["sideband"] * df, read_length) frequency += self.header["probe_freq"] return frequency