Source code for pyspectools.lineshapes

import numpy as np
import numba


    Module for defining line shape functions. The two that
    are explicitly coded are Gaussian and Lorentizan functions,
    and derivatives of these are calculated analytically
    using SymPy.

    When available, use the lmfit built-in functions for

[docs]@numba.jit(fastmath=True, nopython=True) def gaussian(x: np.ndarray, A=1., x0=0., w=1.): """ Vectorized implementation of a single Gaussian lineshape. For a given array of `x` values, we compute the corresponding amplitude of a Gaussian for a set of amplitude, center, and widths. Uses JIT compilation with Numba, and should be reasonably fast. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray NumPy 1D array containing x values to evaluate over. A : float Scaling of the Gaussian; actually corresponds to the area. x0 : float Center of the Gaussian w : float Width of the Gaussian. Returns ------- NumPy 1D array Array of amplitude values of the specified Gaussian """ return A * np.exp(-(x - x0) ** 2.0 / (2.0 * w ** 2.0))
[docs]@numba.jit(fastmath=True, nopython=True) def pair_gaussian(x: np.ndarray, A1: float, A2: float, x0: float, w: float, xsep: float): """ Paired Gaussian lineshape. The function allows for the amplitudes to be floated, however the two Gaussians are locked in width and center frequency. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray [description] A1, A2 : float Amplitude of the two Gaussians x0 : float Centroid of the two Gaussians w : float Width of the two Gaussians xsep : float Distance from the centroid and a Gaussian center Returns ------- NumPy 1D array Array of amplitude values of the pair of Gaussians """ return gaussian(x, A1, x0 - xsep, w) + gaussian(x, A2, x0 + xsep, w)
[docs]@numba.jit(fastmath=True, nopython=True) def lorentzian(x, x0, gamma, I): """ Function to evaluate a Lorentzian lineshape function. Parameters ---------- x : Numpy 1D array Array of floats corresponding to the x values to evaluate on x0 : float Center for the distribution gamma : float Width of the distribution I : float Height of the distribution Returns ------- Numpy 1D array Values of the Lorentzian distribution """ return I * (gamma ** 2.0 / ((x - x0) ** 2.0 + gamma ** 2.0))
[docs]@numba.jit(fastmath=True, nopython=True) def first_deriv_lorentzian(x, x0, gamma, I): """ Function to evaluate the first derivative of a Lorentzian lineshape function. Parameters ---------- x : Numpy 1D array Array of floats corresponding to the x values to evaluate on x0 : float Center for the distribution gamma : float Width of the distribution I : float Height of the distribution Returns ------- Numpy 1D array Values of the Lorentzian distribution """ return ( -2.0 * I * gamma ** 2.0 * (x - x0) ** 1.0 / (gamma ** 2.0 + (x - x0) ** 2.0) ** 2 )
[docs]@numba.jit(fastmath=True, nopython=True) def sec_deriv_lorentzian(x, x0, gamma, I): """ Function to evaluate the second derivative of a Lorentzian lineshape function. This was evaluated analytically with SymPy by differentiation of the Lorentzian expression used for the `lorentzian` function in this module. Parameters ---------- x : Numpy 1D array Array of floats corresponding to the x values to evaluate on x0 : float Center for the distribution gamma : float Width of the distribution I : float Height of the distribution Returns ------- Numpy 1D array Values of the Lorentzian distribution """ return ( -I * gamma ** 2.0 * (2.0 - 8.0 * (x - x0) ** 2.0 / (gamma ** 2.0 + (x - x0) ** 2.0)) / (gamma ** 2.0 + (x - x0) ** 2.0) ** 2 )
[docs]@numba.jit(fastmath=True, nopython=True, parallel=True, nogil=True) def fast_multi_gaussian(x: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, x0: np.ndarray, w: np.ndarray): """ Fast, parallel implementation of a mixture of Gaussian lineshapes. Uses the `gaussian` function defined in this module, which itself is also JIT'd, and uses parallel loops to evaluate multiple Gaussians. The result is a NumPy 2D array of shape N x D, where N is the length of the frequency array, and D is the number of Gaussians. The inputs are expected to all be NumPy arrays, where A, x0, and w all equal in length and contain parameters for each respective Gaussian. With a 200,000 length frequency array and about 70 Gaussians, this code takes ~70 ms to compute; about four times faster than the unJIT'd version. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray [description] A : np.ndarray [description] x0 : np.ndarray [description] w : np.ndarray [description] Returns ------- [type] [description] """ assert A.size == x0.size == w.size ngaussians = len(A) y = np.zeros((x.size, ngaussians)) # parallelize the loop over number of Gaussians for i in numba.prange(ngaussians): y[:,i] = gaussian(x, A[i], x0[i], w[i]) return y