Source code for pyspectools.mmw.interpolation

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    Routines for performing Shepard-interpolation with
    simple inverse-distance weighting.
    The basic usage of these routines is to feed in a list
    of Pandas dataframes, which consists of your experimental

[docs]def idw(x, xn, p=6, threshold=1.): """ Inverse-distance weighting function For a given value of x with known data, and the interpolating x (xn), return the weighting value. """ if x == xn: weight = 1e60 else: weight = 1. / np.abs(x - xn)**p if weight < threshold: # Return a zero if the value is sufficiently small weight = 0. return weight
[docs]def vidw(x, xn, p=6, threshold=1.): """ Vectorized form of the inverse-distance weighting function """ func = np.vectorize(idw) return func(x, xn, p, threshold)
[docs]def find_nearest(dataframes, x, npoints=5): """ Function that will take a list of dataframes, and return slices of the dataframes containing a specified number of closest points. """ nearest = [ df.loc[(df["Frequency"] - x).abs().argsort()[:npoints]] for df in dataframes ] return nearest
[docs]def find_nearest_nieu(dataframes, x, xrange=3., npoints=5): """ New function that will return only data that is within a specified range, and within that the closest values. """ nearest = list() for df in dataframes: # Find data within range temp_df = df.loc[(df["Frequency"] > x - xrange) & (df["Frequency"] < x + xrange)] # Only append if there is data inside the dataframe if temp_df.empty is False: nearest.append(temp_df.loc[(df["Frequency"] - x).abs().argsort()[:npoints]]) return nearest
[docs]def shep_interp(dataframes, xn, col="Intensity", p=6, threshold=1.): """ Calculate the Shepard interpolation of a point """ # Loop over all selected data and calculate their weights weights = list() for df in dataframes: df["weight"] = vidw( df["Frequency"], xn, p, threshold ) # Take only values that are not zero #df = df.loc[df["weight"] != 0.] weights.extend([value for value in df["weight"].values if value != 0.]) weights = np.array(weights) cumint = 0. # Loop over data again, weighting the intensity and # calculating the interpolated intensity for df in dataframes: df["weighted-Intensity"] = df["weight"] * df[col] cumint+=df["weighted-Intensity"].sum() return cumint / np.sum(weights)
[docs]def calc_shep_interp(dataframes, xnew, col="Intensity", xrange=10., p=4., threshold=1., npoints=15): """ Main function for calculating the Shepard interpolation for a given set of existing data, and an array corresponding to the new set of x data. dataframes - a list comprising pandas DataFrames, containing x/y data with column names ["Frequency", "Intensity"] xnew - the new x values to interpolate into. Use np.arange/np.linspace to generate. xrange - the frequency radius (in units of whatever frequency units are in data) to search for neighbours. Also defines the rate at which the neighbourlist is updated. p - the decay rate of the inverse distance weighting; should be even values. threshold - minimum weight value to be considered in the interpolation npoints - the maximum number of data points to use in the interpolation; smaller numbers mean crappy interpolation, larger means expensive. Returns the new y values """ ynew = np.zeros(xnew.size) nele = ynew.size for index, x in enumerate(xnew): # Every 100 MHz, we will print a notification to tell you we're doing something... if index / nele * 100. % 10. == 0.: print(str(index / nele * 100.) + "% complete.") # Find nearest neighbours. This step will only be done every few steps as it # is the most computationally expensive part of the algorithm # The update frequency depends on the radius we look for neighbours, specified # with xrange. if index % xrange == 0.: neighbour_list = find_nearest_nieu( dataframes, x, xrange, npoints ) # Calculate the y value based on nearest neighbours ynew[index]+=shep_interp( neighbour_list, x, col, p, threshold ) return ynew