Source code for pyspectools.mmw.plotting_func

from plotly.offline import iplot, plot, init_notebook_mode
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import colorlover as cl
import numpy as np"seaborn")

[docs]def static_comparison(frequencies, sample_on_df, sample_off_df, window_size=0.0001): """ Method for plotting the sample on-off spectra side-by-side. Takes a list of frequencies, which will be """ fig, axarray = plt.subplots(len(frequencies), 2, figsize=(12,24)) for row_index, frequency in enumerate(frequencies): xrange = [ frequency * (1. - window_size), frequency * (1. + window_size) ] for col_index, df in enumerate([sample_on_df, sample_off_df]): slice_df = df.loc[(df["Frequency"] > xrange[0]) & (df["Frequency"] < xrange[1])] slice_df["Frequency"] -= frequency axarray[row_index, col_index].plot( slice_df["Frequency"], slice_df["Field off"], label="Field Off", alpha=0.4 ) axarray[row_index, col_index].plot( slice_df["Frequency"], slice_df["Field on"], label="Field On", alpha=0.4 ) axarray[row_index, col_index].plot( slice_df["Frequency"], slice_df["Off - On"], label="Off - On", alpha=1. ) axarray[row_index, col_index].legend() axarray[row_index, col_index].set_title(np.round(frequency, decimals=4)) if row_index == len(frequencies) - 1: axarray[row_index, col_index].set_xlabel("Frequency (MHz)") fig.tight_layout() return fig, axarray
[docs]def plot_spectrum(dataframe): """ Function used to plot a dataframe using Plotly. Uses colorlover to generate palettes. Args: dataframe - pandas dataframe containing a frequency column. Every other column is treated as an intensity column """ plots = list() keys = [key for key in dataframe.keys() if key != "Frequency"] if len(keys) < 3: # If there are fewer than 3 plots, colorlover doesn't have # a coded case and so the colors are done manually color_palette = ["#e41a1c", "#377eb8"] else: # Use color lover palettes color_palette = cl.to_rgb(cl.scales[str(len(keys))]["qual"]["Set1"]) for key, color in zip(keys, color_palette): # Loop over all the dataframe columns and colors plots.append( go.Scatter( x=dataframe["Frequency"], y=dataframe[key], name=key, marker = { "color": color }, ) ) layout = go.Layout( xaxis={"title": "Frequency (MHz)", "tickformat": "0.2f"}, yaxis={"title": ""}, autosize=False, height=800, width=1000, paper_bgcolor="#f0f0f0", plot_bgcolor="#f0f0f0", ) fig = go.Figure(data=plots, layout=layout) iplot(fig) return fig
[docs]def id_survey(frequency, intensity, catdict): """ Function for plotting predicted lines as stick spectra on top of a broadband survey spectrum. Frequency and intensity are 1D arrays of the spectrum frequency and intensity. catdict is a dictionary with keys corresponding to the name of the molecule, and values corresponding to dataframes of the parsed .cat file. """ plots = list() # Plot out the experiment first plots.append( go.Scatter( x=frequency, y=intensity, marker={"color": (0., 0., 0.)} ) ) # Set the colour palette, and interpolate colours to # accommodate for the number of cat files spectral_palette = cl.scales["8"]["div"]["Spectral"] colors = cl.interp(spectral_palette, len(catdict)) for name, color in zip(catdict, colors): plots.append( go.Bar( x=catdict[name]["Frequency"], y=np.abs(catdict[name]["Intensity"]), name=name, width=2., marker={"color": color} ) ) layout = go.Layout( xaxis={ "title": "Frequency (MHz)", "range": [np.min(frequency), np.max(frequency)], "tickformat": "0.2f" }, yaxis={"title": ""}, autosize=False, height=800, width=1000, paper_bgcolor="#f0f0f0", plot_bgcolor="#f0f0f0", ) fig = go.Figure(data=plots, layout=layout) iplot(fig) return fig
[docs]def save_plot(fig, filename): plot( fig, filename=filename, show_link=False, auto_open=False )