Source code for pyspectools.parsers

import os
import struct
from glob import glob

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from pyspectools import ftmw_analysis as fa

[docs]def parse_spectrum(filename, threshold=20.0): """ Function to read in a blackchirp or QtFTM spectrum from file """ dataframe = pd.read_csv( filename, delimiter="\t", names=["Frequency", "Intensity"], skiprows=1 ) dataframe.dropna(inplace=True) return dataframe[dataframe["Intensity"] <= threshold]
[docs]def parse_ascii(filename, delimiter="\t", names=None, header=None, skiprows=0): """ Generic ASCII parser wrapping the pandas read_csv function. Parameters ---------- filename delimiter names header skiprows Returns ------- """ dataframe = pd.read_csv( filename, delimiter=delimiter, names=names, header=header, skiprows=skiprows ) dataframe.dropna(inplace=True) return dataframe
[docs]def parse_lin(filename): """ Function to read in a line file, formatted in the SPFIT convention. """ data = list() with open(filename) as read_file: for line in read_file: line_data = list() # Get all the delimiting out split_line = line.split() split_cols = split_line[-3:] # Convert frequency, uncertainty, and weight # into floats for col in split_cols: try: line_data.append(float(col)) except ValueError: line_data.append(0.0) # Split up the quantum numbers # qnos = qnos.split() # qnos = [int(num) for num in qnos] line_data.append(",".join(split_line[:-3])) data.append(line_data) dataframe = pd.DataFrame( data=data, columns=["Frequency", "Uncertainty", "Weight", "Quantum numbers"] ) return dataframe
[docs]def parse_cat(simulation_path, low_freq=0.0, high_freq=np.inf, threshold=-np.inf): """ Parses a simulation output, and filters the frequency and intensity to give a specific set of lines. The only argument that is required is the path to the simulation output. Others are optional, and will default to effectively not filter. The quantum numbers are read in assuming hyperfine structure, and thus might not be accurate descriptions of what they actually are. """ cat_df = pd.read_fwf( simulation_path, widths=[13, 8, 8, 2, 10, 3, 7, 4, 2, 2, 2, 8, 2, 2], header=None, ) cat_df.columns = [ "Frequency", "Uncertainty", "Intensity", "DoF", "Lower state energy", "Degeneracy", "ID", "Coding", "N'", "F'", "J'", "N''", "F''", "J''", ] cat_df = cat_df.loc[ (cat_df["Frequency"].astype(float) >= low_freq) & ( # threshold the simulation output cat_df["Frequency"].astype(float) <= high_freq ) & ( # based on user specified values cat_df["Intensity"].astype(float) >= threshold ) # or lack thereof ] return cat_df
[docs]def parse_blackchirp(dir_path): """ Function for reading in a Blackchirp experiment. The required input should point to the directory containing the Blackchirp files with the correct extensions: .hdr, .tdt, and .fid Parameters ---------- dir_path - str Filepath pointing to the directory containing the Blackchirp experiment files. """ # Read in header information hdr_file = glob(os.path.join(dir_path, "*.hdr")) header = dict() try: hdr_file = hdr_file[0] exp_id = hdr_file.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] except IndexError: raise Exception("Header file is missing!") with open(hdr_file) as hdr: for line in hdr: if not line: continue l = line.split("\t") if not l or len(l) < 3: continue key = l[0].strip() value = l[1].strip() unit = l[2].strip() header[key] = {"value": value, "unit": unit} # Locate all the FIDs fid_files = glob(os.path.join(dir_path, "*.fid")) if len(fid_files) < 1: raise Exception("No FID files present!") else: fid_list = list() for file in fid_files: with open(file, "rb") as fidfile: buffer = ms_len = struct.unpack(">I", buffer) buffer =[0]) magic_string = buffer.decode("ascii") if not magic_string.startswith("BCFID"): raise ValueError( "Could not read magic string from {}".format( ) l = magic_string.split("v") if len(l) < 2: raise ValueError( "Could not determine version number from magic string {}".format( magic_string ) ) version = l[1] buffer = fidlist_size = struct.unpack(">I", buffer)[0] for i in range(0, fidlist_size): # Create a BlackChirpFid object fid_list.append(fa.BlackChirpFid.from_binary(fidfile)) time_data = dict() tdt_file = glob(os.path.join(dir_path, "*.tdt")) try: tdt_file = tdt_file[0] except IndexError: raise Exception("Time stamp data is missing!") with open(tdt_file) as tdt: look_for_header = True header_list = [] for line in tdt: print(line) if line.strip() == "": continue if line.startswith("#") and "PlotData" in line: look_for_header = True header_list = [] continue if line.startswith("#"): continue l = line.split("\t") if len(l) < 1: continue if look_for_header is True: for i in range(0, len(l)): name = "" l2 = str(l[i]).split("_") for j in range(0, len(l2) - 1): name += str(l2[j]).strip() time_data[name] = [] header_list.append(name) look_for_header = False else: for i in range(0, len(l)): time_data[header_list[i]].append(str(l[i]).strip()) return exp_id, header, fid_list, time_data
[docs]def read_binary_fid(filepath): """ Read in a binary Blackchirp FID file. This is based on the original code by Kyle Crabtree, with some minor perfomance improvements by Kelvin Lee. The only difference is most of the for loops for reading the points have been replaced by numpy broadcasts. Parameters ---------- filepath - str Filepath to the Blackchirp .fid file Returns ------- param_dict - dict Contains header information about the FID, such as the number of shots, point spacing, etc. xy_data - 2-tuple of numpy 1D array Contains two columns; xy_data[0] is the time data in microseconds, and xy_data[1] is the signal. raw_data - numpy 1D array Contains the raw, uncorrected ADC sums. The signal data is converted from this by scaling it with the multiplication factor v_mult. """ with open(filepath) as read_file: read_str = ">3dqHbI" d = struct.unpack(read_str, spacing = d[0] * 1e6 probe_freq = d[1] v_mult = d[2] shots = d[3] if d[4] == 1: sideband = -1.0 else: sideband = 1.0 point_size = d[5] size = d[6] param_dict = { "spacing": spacing, "probe_freq": probe_freq, "v_mult": v_mult, "shots": shots, "point_size": point_size, "size": size, "sideband": sideband, } if point_size == 2: read_string = ">" + str(size) + "h" dat = struct.unpack( read_string, ) elif point_size == 3: for i in range(0, size): chunk = dat = struct.unpack( ">i", (b"\0" if chunk[0] < 128 else b"\xff") + chunk )[0] elif point_size == 4: read_string = ">" + str(size) + "i" dat = struct.unpack( read_string, ) elif point_size == 8: read_string = ">" + str(size) + "q" dat = struct.unpack( read_string, ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid point size: " + str(point_size)) # Now read in the data with broadcasting raw_data = np.array(dat[:size]) data = raw_data * v_mult / shots x_data = np.linspace(0.0, size * spacing, int(size)) xy_data = np.vstack((x_data, data)) return param_dict, xy_data, raw_data
[docs]def parse_fit(filepath): """ Function to parse the output of an SPFIT .fit file. This version of the code is barebones compared to the previous iteration, which provides more feedback. This version simply returns a dictionary containing the obs - calc for each line, the fitted parameters, and the microwave RMS. Parameters ---------- filepath: str Filepath to the .fit file to parse. Returns ------- fit_dict: dict Dictionary containing the parsed data. """ fit_dict = {"o-c": {}, "parameters": {}, "rms": None} with open(filepath) as read_file: lines = read_file.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): # Read the obs - calc on individual lines if "EXP.FREQ." in line: stop_flag = False entry_index = 1 line_dict = dict() while stop_flag is False: entry = lines[index + entry_index].split() if entry[0] == "NORMALIZED" or entry[0] == "Fit": stop_flag = True elif entry[1] == "NEXT" or entry[1] == "Lines": entry_index += 1 pass else: # Read in the line information line_dict[entry_index] = { "o-c": float(entry[-3]), "qnos": entry[1:-5], "frequency": entry[-5], } entry_index += 1 if "NEW PARAMETER" in line: stop_flag = False entry_index = 1 param_dict = dict() while stop_flag is False: entry = lines[index + entry_index] for bracket in ["""(""", """)"""]: entry = entry.replace(bracket, " ") entry = entry.split() if entry[0] != "MICROWAVE": coding = int(entry[1]) param_dict[coding] = float(entry[-3]) entry_index += 1 else: stop_flag = True if "MICROWAVE RMS" in line: fit_dict["microwave_rms"] = float(line.split()[3]) if "NEW RMS ERROR" in line: fit_dict["rms"] = float(line.split()[-2]) fit_dict["o-c"] = line_dict fit_dict["parameters"] = param_dict return fit_dict