Source code for pyspectools.qchem.analysis

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Dict
import os
from glob import glob
from copy import deepcopy
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import periodictable
from uncertainties import ufloat

from pyspectools.qchem import utils, parsers, multiwell
from pyspectools import units, routines
from pyspectools import figurefactory as ff

[docs]@dataclass class CalculationSet: """ A master handler of a set of calculations. This class works in two ways: to manage a bunch of calculations that together yield a closed set of thermochemistry, or a set of calculations that sum up to a single composite value. """ paths: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) species: List = field(default_factory=list) total_energy: float = 0. atoms: str = "" energies: np.array = np.array([]) converted_energies: np.array = np.array([]) relative_energies: np.array = np.array([]) calculations: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) products: List = field(default_factory=list) reactants: List = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] @classmethod def from_folder(cls, path, extension="log", program="g16"): if program == "g16": parser = CalculationResult.from_g16 calculations = dict() species = list() # Sorting the list means it should work platform independent, since glob returns a list # of files in a different order depending on the OS... paths = sorted( list( glob(os.path.join(path, "*{}".format(extension))) ) ) for index, filepath in enumerate(paths): filename = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0].split("/")[-1] calculations[index] = parser(filepath) species.append(calculations[index].smi) calc_set = cls(paths=paths, species=species, calculations=calculations) return calc_set
[docs] @classmethod def from_pkl(cls, filepath): calc_set = routines.read_obj(filepath) return calc_set
def __post_init__(self): for folder in ["png", "outputs"]: try: os.mkdir(folder) except FileExistsError: pass def __add__(self, other): if self != other: warnings.warn( "Atomic composition between the two sets are not the same! {} != {}".format( self._eval_formula(), other._eval_formula() ) ) return self.total_energy - other.total_energy def __sub__(self, other): if self != other: warnings.warn( "Atomic composition between the two sets are not the same! {} != {}".format( self.eval_formula(), other.eval_formula() ) ) return self.total_energy - other.total_energy def __eq__(self, other): current_formula = self.eval_formula() other_formula = other.eval_formula() return current_formula == other_formula
[docs] def eval_formula(self): current_formula = "".join([calc.formula for index, calc in self.calculations.items()]) current_formula = periodictable.formula(current_formula).atoms return current_formula
[docs] def compare_energies(self, index=None, level="composite", conversion=None): # If there are no energies set up yet, try to get them from the individual calculations if len(self.energies) == 0: self.energies = np.array([calc.__getattribute__(level) for index, calc in self.calculations.items()]) if index is None: comp = min(self.energies) else: comp = self.energies[index] self.relative_energies = self.energies - comp if conversion: if conversion not in ["wavenumber", "kJ/mol", "eV", "K"]: raise Exception("{} unit not implemented.".format(conversion)) else: if conversion == "wavenumber": conv_func = units.hartree2wavenumber elif conversion == "kJ/mol": conv_func = units.hartree2kjmol elif conversion == "eV": conv_func = units.haev elif conversion == "K": conv_func = units.hak # Convert the relative energies into the specified units self.converted_energies = conv_func(self.relative_energies)
[docs] def sum_energies(self, level="composite"): """ Calculates the total energy of all the species in this CalculationSet. Parameters ---------- level: str Specifies the level of theory to make the comparison. Returns ------- total_energy: float The total energy in Hartrees """ if len(self.energies) == 0: self.energies = np.array([calc.__getattribute__(level) for index, calc in self.calculations.items()]) self.total_energy = np.sum(self.energies) return self.total_energy
[docs] def create_portrait(self, **kwargs): """ Create a collage of 2D depictions of each of the species within this set of data. Uses matplotlib imshow to show the images inline in a Jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- kwargs Additional keywords are passed to the subplots generation Returns ------- fig, axarray Matplotlib figure and axis arrays """ _ = [calc.to_png() for index, calc in self.calculations.items()] png_names = ["png/{}.png".format(calc.filename) for index, calc in self.calculations.items()] names = [calc.filename for index, calc in self.calculations.items()] images = [plt.imread(file) for file in png_names] nrows = int(len(png_names) / 3) + 1 ncols = 3 fig, axarray = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, **kwargs) for index, pkg in enumerate(zip(images, names, axarray.reshape(-1))): image, name, ax = pkg ax.imshow(image) ax.set_title("{} - {}".format(name, index)) for ax in axarray.reshape(-1): for spine in ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"]: ax.spines[spine].set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) return fig, axarray
[docs] def copy_species(self, indexes): """ Spawn a copy of the CalculationSet, only with the specified species in the set. Parameters ---------- indexes: list of int A list of indexes, corresponding to the species to be kept in the new copy Returns ------- new_instance A deepcopy of this CalculationSet with only the specified species """ new_instance = CalculationSet() new_instance.calculations = { index: calc for index, calc in self.calculations.items() if index in indexes } new_smi = [calc.smi for index, calc in self.calculations.items() if index in indexes] new_instance.species = [smi for smi in self.species if smi in new_smi] return new_instance
[docs] def create_pes(self, width=5., x=None, **kwargs): """ Create a Parameters ---------- width x kwargs Returns ------- """ if x is None: x = np.arange(len(self.energies)) if len(self.converted_energies) != 0: y = self.converted_energies elif len(self.relative_energies) != 0: y = self.relative_energies else: y = self.energies pes_x, pes_y = ff.make_pes(x, y, width) fig, ax = plt.subplots(**kwargs) ax.plot(pes_x, pes_y) return fig, ax
[docs] def save(self, filepath): """ Dump the current CalculationSet to disk as a pickle file. Parameters ---------- filepath: str Path to the file you wish to save to. """ routines.save_obj(self, filepath)
[docs]@dataclass class CalculationResult: """ Class for handling individual calculations. The idea behind this class is to be as general as possible, handling the data that get parsed out by specific program parsers defined in qchem.parsers. """ A: float = 0.0 B: float = 0.0 C: float = 0.0 success: bool = False u_A: float = 0.0 u_B: float = 0.0 u_C: float = 0.0 id: int = 0 formula: str = "" smi: str = "" program: str = "" point_group: str = "C1" method: str = "" basis: str = "" charge: int = 0 multi: int = 1 kappa: float = 0.0 DJ: float = 0.0 DJK: float = 0.0 DK: float = 0.0 delJ: float = 0.0 delK: float = 0.0 Iaa: float = 0.0 Ibb: float = 0.0 Icc: float = 0.0 defect: float = 0.0 scf: float = 0.0 cc: float = 0.0 correlation: float = 0.0 dboc: float = 0.0 rel: float = 0.0 coords: str = "" zpe: float = 0.0 anharm_zpe: float = 0.0 elec_zpe: float = 0.0 composite: float = 0.0 ts: bool = False harm_freq: List[float] = field(default_factory=list) harm_int: List[float] = field(default_factory=list) harm_sym: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) anharm_freq: List[float] = field(default_factory=list) anharm_int: List[float] = field(default_factory=list) anharm_dipole: List[float] = field(default_factory=list) thermo_corrections: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) alphas: List[float] = field(default_factory=list) G3: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) opt_delta: float = 0.0 type: str = "scf" filename: str = "" image_path: str = ""
[docs] @classmethod def from_yml(cls, filepath): """ Class method for reading in a YAML calculation dump created with the to_yml method. Parameters ---------- filepath - str Filepath to the YAML file. Returns ------- Calculation - object Instance of the Calculation object from parsing the YAML file. """ data = routines.read_yaml(filepath) return cls(**data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_g16(cls, filepath, parser=parsers.parse_g16): """ Class method for parsing a Gaussian logfile, and converting the dictionary into a Calculation class. Parameters ---------- filepath - str Filepath to the Gaussian output file. Returns ------- Calculation - object Calculation object with the parsed Gaussian output. """ data = parser(filepath) calc_obj = cls() calc_obj.__dict__.update(**data) return calc_obj
def __add__(self, other): for attr in ["composite", "elec_zpe", "correlation", "scf"]: if hasattr(self, attr): key = attr break try: new_instance = deepcopy(self) new_instance.smi += " + {}".format(other.smi) new_instance.formula += " + {}".format(other.formula) new_instance.__dict__[key] += other.__dict__[key] return new_instance except AttributeError: raise Exception("No valid energy value found: {}".format(key)) def __sub__(self, other): for attr in ["composite", "elec_zpe", "correlation", "scf"]: if hasattr(self, attr): key = attr break try: new_instance = deepcopy(self) new_instance.smi = new_instance.smi.replace(" + {}".format(other.smi), "") new_instance.formula = new_instance.formula.replace(" + {}".format(other.formula), "") new_instance.__dict__[key] -= other.__dict__[key] return new_instance except AttributeError: raise Exception("No valid energy value found: {}".format(key)) def __repr__(self): return self.smi def __str__(self): return self.smi
[docs] def to_yml(self, filepath): """ Function to dump the Calculation to disk in YAML syntax. Parameters ---------- filepath - str Filepath to the YAML file target. """ routines.dump_yaml(filepath, self.__dict__)
[docs] def to_png(self): """ Generate a PNG file by dumping the SMI to a temporary folder, converting, and copying back to the current working directory using obabel. """ curdir = os.getcwd() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as path: os.chdir(path) with open("{}.smi".format(self.filename), "w+") as write_file: write_file.write(self.smi) utils.obabel_png("{}.smi".format(self.filename), "smi") shutil.copy2("{}.png".format(self.filename), os.path.join(curdir, "png/{}.png".format(self.filename))) os.chdir(curdir)
[docs] def to_xyz(self): if self.program == "Gaussian": format = "g09" else: format = "smi" utils.obabel_xyz(self.filename, format=format)
[docs] def to_multiwell(self, state="reac", comment="", delh=0.): """ Convert the parsed results into Multiwell format. Wraps the function from the `multiwell` module, `format_multiwell`. Parameters ---------- state: str, optional Specify which part of the reaction this structure is. comment: str, optional Comment line for the structure delh: float, optional The 0 K heat of formation, or relative energy of this point in the units specified in the multiwell input file (usually kJ/mol) Returns ------- mw_str: str String containing the formatted output """ return multiwell.format_multiwell(self.__dict__, state, comment, delh)