Source code for pyspectools.qchem.extrapolation


Routines for performing SCF and correlation extrapolation.

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit as cf

Extrapolation functions

[docs]def linear(x, a, cbs): # For extrapolating CCSD(T) energy with linear form return cbs + (a / x**3)
[docs]def exponential(x, a, b, cbs): # For extrapolating the SCF energy with exponential formula return cbs + a * np.exp(-b * x)
[docs]def extrapolate_SCF(energies, basis): # Function for extrapolating the SCF contribution # to the CBS limit. # Takes a list of SCF energies in order # of T,Q,5-zeta quality, and returns the CBS energy. popt, pcov = cf( exponential, basis, energies, p0=[1., 1., np.min(energies)] ) return popt[2], popt
[docs]def extrapolate_correlation(energies, basis): """ Extrapolate the correlation energy to the CBS limit. Args: energies and basis are same length tuple-like, with the former corresponding to the correlation (post-SCF) energy and basis the cardinal values Returns: the extrapolated energy, and the results of the fit. """ popt, pcov = cf( linear, basis, energies, p0=[1., np.min(energies)] ) return popt[1], popt