Source code for pyspectools.qchem.parsers


This module contains routines for parsing data out of electronic structure outputs. Everything will be centered around
a Calculation dataclass, with specific parsing methods written for each program. The result should be a homogenized
Pythonization of calculations, regardless of program used.


import os
import shutil
import datetime

import periodictable
import numpy as np

from pyspectools.qchem import utils

[docs]def parse_g16(filepath): """ Parse in the output of a Gaussian 16 calculation. To optimize the output format, make sure the calculation route includes the Output=Pickett keyword, which ensures the coordinates are actually in the principal axis orientation. Parameters ---------- filepath - str Filepath to Gaussian logfile Returns ------- """ data = dict() g3 = dict() w1 = dict() harm_freq = list() harm_int = list() data["program"] = "Gaussian" filename = filepath.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] with open(filepath) as read_file: lines = read_file.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if "Rotational constants (MHZ)" in line: rot_con = lines[index + 1].split() rot_con = [float(value) for value in rot_con] A, B, C = rot_con data["A"] = A data["B"] = B data["C"] = C if "Dipole moment (Debye)" in line: dipoles = lines[index + 1].split()[:3] dipoles = [float(value) for value in dipoles] u_A, u_B, u_C = dipoles data["u_A"] = u_A data["u_B"] = u_B data["u_C"] = u_C if "Full point group" in line: data["point_group"] = line.split()[3] if "Stationary point found" in line: data["success"] = True if line.startswith(" # "): calc = line.split()[1].split("/") # If there's only one word, then it's a composite scheme without a specific basis if len(calc) == 1: method = calc basis = None else: method, basis = calc data["method"] = method data["basis"] = basis if "Multiplicity" in line: split_line = line.split() data["charge"] = int(split_line[2]) data["multi"] = int(split_line[-1]) if "Vibro-Rot alpha Matrix" in line: alpha_flag = True alpha_lines = lines[index + 3:] alpha_mat = list() alpha_index = 0 while alpha_flag is True: current_line = alpha_lines[alpha_index] if current_line.startswith("Q("): alpha = alpha_lines[alpha_index].split()[2:] alpha = [float(value) for value in alpha] alpha_mat.append(alpha) alpha_index += 1 else: alpha_flag = False data["alphas"] = alpha_mat if "Anharmonic Infrared Spectroscopy" in line: anharm_flag = True anharm_index = 0 anharm_lines = lines[index + 9:] anharm_freq = list() anharm_int = list() while anharm_flag is True: current_line = anharm_lines[anharm_index].split() anharm_index += 1 if len(current_line) > 0: anharm_freq.append(float(current_line[2])) anharm_int.append(float(current_line[-1])) else: anharm_flag = False data["anharm_freq"] = anharm_freq data["anharm_int"] = anharm_int if "Electric dipole : Fundamental Bands" in line: anharm_dipole_flag = True anharm_dipole_index = 0 anharm_lines = lines[index + 3:] anharm_dipoles = list() while anharm_dipole_flag is True: current_line = anharm_lines[anharm_dipole_index].replace("D", "E").split() anharm_dipole_index += 1 if len(current_line) > 0: # Has the annoying D formatting from Fortran anharm_dipoles.append([float(value) for value in current_line[1:]]) else: data["anharm_dipole"] = anharm_dipoles anharm_dipole_flag = False if "Asymm. param." in line: data["kappa"] = float(line.split()[-1]) if "DELTA J :" in line: data["DJ"] = float(line.replace("D", "E").split()[-1]) if "DELTA JK :" in line: data["DJK"] = float(line.replace("D", "E").split()[-1]) if "DELTA K :" in line: data["DK"] = float(line.replace("D", "E").split()[-1]) if "delta J :" in line: data["delJ"] = float(line.replace("D", "E").split()[-1]) if "delta K :" in line: data["delK"] = float(line.replace("D", "E").split()[-1]) if "Iaa" in line: split_line = line.replace("D", "E").split() data["Iaa"] = float(split_line[2]) data["Ibb"] = float(split_line[4]) data["Icc"] = float(split_line[-1]) data["defect"] = data["Icc"] - data["Iaa"] - data["Ibb"] if "Principal axis orientation" in line: coord_lines = lines[index + 5:] coord_flag = True coord_mat = list() coord_index = 0 while coord_flag is True: current_line = coord_lines[coord_index] if "------" in current_line: coord_flag = False else: coords = current_line.split()[1:] coords = [float(value) for value in coords] coord_mat.append(coords) coord_index += 1 data["coords"] = np.array(coord_mat) if "Zero-point correction" in line: data["zpe"] = float(line.split()[2]) if "Sum of electronic and zero-point" in line: data["elec_zpe"] = float(line.split()[-1]) if "Frequencies --" in line: freq = line.split()[2:] freq = [float(value) for value in freq] harm_freq.extend(freq) if "IR Inten" in line: inten = line.split()[3:] inten = [float(value) for value in inten] harm_int.extend(inten) if "Total Anharm " in line: data["anharm_zpe"] = float(line.split()[5]) if "imaginary frequencies ignored" in line: data["ts"] = True if "Predicted change in Energy=" in line: data["opt_delta"] = float(line.replace("D", "E").split("=")[-1]) # This section parses out the G3 contributions if "E(QCISD(T" in line: split_line = line.split() g3["QCISD(T)"] = float(split_line[1]) g3["Empirical"] = float(split_line[-1]) if "DE(Plus)" in line: split_line = line.split() g3["DE(Plus)"] = float(split_line[1]) g3["DE(2df)"] = float(split_line[-1]) if "Delta-G3" in line: split_line = line.split() g3["G3-contribution"] = float(split_line[1]) if "G3(0 K)" in line: data["composite"] = float(line.split()[2]) g3["G3-energy"] = float(line.split()[-1]) if "G3 Enthalpy" in line: g3["G3-enthalpy"] = float(line.split()[2]) g3["G3-entropy"] = float(line.split()[-1]) if "W1BD (0 K)=" in line: split_line = line.split() w1["W1BD-H-0 K"] = float(split_line[3]) data["composite"] = float(split_line[3]) if "W1BD Enthalpy" in line: split_line = line.split() w1["W1BD-H-298 K"] = float(split_line[2]) w1["W1BD-S-298 K"] = float(split_line[-1]) if "W1BD Electronic Energy" in line: split_line = line.split() w1["W1BD-Electronic"] = float(split_line[-1]) if "coords" in data: atom_dict = dict() for coord in data["coords"]: element = periodictable.elements[coord[0]] if element not in atom_dict: atom_dict[element] = 1 else: atom_dict[element] += 1 molecule_string = "".join(["{}{}".format(key, value) for key, value in atom_dict.items()]) molecule_string = molecule_string.replace("1", "") # Delete the 1s, because they're not normal data["formula"] = molecule_string if shutil.which("obabel"): data["smi"] = utils.obabel_smi(filepath, format="g09") data["filename"] = filename data["harm_freq"] = harm_freq data["harm_int"] = harm_int data["G3"] = g3 data["W1"] = w1 return data
[docs]def parseG3(filepath): """ Function for parsing a G3 calculation from a Gaussian output file. This function does not generate an object, and instead returns all of the data as a dictionary. Parameters ---------- filepath - str Filepath to the G3 Gaussian output file. Returns ------- results - dict Dictionary containing the G3 output """ results = dict() frequencies = list() rotational_constants = None with open(filepath) as read_file: for line in read_file: if "Rotational constants" in line: split_line = line.split() rotational_constants = [float(value) for value in split_line[3:]] if "Frequencies --" in line: split_line = line.split() frequencies.extend([float(value) for value in split_line[2:]]) if "G3(0 K)" in line: split_line = line.split() results["G3-H-0 K"] = float(split_line[2]) if "G3 Enthalpy" in line: split_line = line.split() results["G3-H-298 K"] = float(split_line[2]) results["G3-S-298 K"] = float(split_line[-1]) if len(frequencies) != 0: # Round the vibrational frequencies to integers frequencies = np.array(frequencies).astype(int) frequencies = frequencies[frequencies >= 0.] results["Frequencies"] = frequencies if rotational_constants is not None: results["Rotational constants"] = np.array(rotational_constants) return results
[docs]def parseW1(filepath): results = dict() frequencies = list() rotational_constants = None with open(filepath) as read_file: for line in read_file: if "Rotational constants" in line: split_line = line.split() rotational_constants = [float(value) for value in split_line[3:]] if "Frequencies --" in line: split_line = line.split() frequencies.extend([float(value) for value in split_line[2:]]) if "W1BD (0 K)=" in line: split_line = line.split() results["W1BD-H-0 K"] = float(split_line[3]) results["composite"] = float(split_line[3]) if "W1BD Enthalpy" in line: split_line = line.split() results["W1BD-H-298 K"] = float(split_line[2]) results["W1BD-S-298 K"] = float(split_line[-1]) if "W1BD Electronic Energy" in line: split_line = line.split() results["W1BD-Electronic"] = float(split_line[-1]) if "E(ZPE)=" in line: split_line = line.split() results["ZPE"] = float(split_line[1]) if len(frequencies) != 0: # Round the vibrational frequencies to integers frequencies = np.array(frequencies).astype(int) frequencies = frequencies[frequencies >= 0.] results["Frequencies"] = frequencies if rotational_constants is not None: results["Rotational constants"] = np.array(rotational_constants) return results
[docs]def parse_cfour(filepath): # Function that will parse the output file of a CFOUR calculation. # Everything is stored into dictionary items, and the entire output # of the calculation is stored as a single string. timestamp = os.path.getmtime(filepath) InfoDict = { "filename": " ", "basis": " ", "success": False, "method": " ", "dipole": [0., 0., 0.], "quadrupole": dict(), "rotational constants": [0., 0., 0.], "point group": " ", "orbitals": { "alpha": list(), "beta": list() }, "scf energy": 0., "ccsd energy": 0., "ccsd(t) energy": 0., "ccsdt energy": 0., "ccsdt(q) energy": 0., "total energy": 0., "ene_iterations": { "scf_cycles": list(), "cc_cycles": list(), }, "dboc": 0., "relativistic": 0., "coordinates": [], "input zmat": [], "final zmat": [], "frequencies": [], "centrifugal distortion": dict(), "zpe": 0., "natoms": 0, "nscf": 0., "ncc": 0., "avg_scf": 0., "avg_cc": 0., "gradient norm": [], "timestamp": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' ) } scf_iter = 0 scf_cycle = 0 cc_cycle = 0 geo_counter = 0 skip_counter = 0 CurrentCoords = [] DipoleFlag = False AlphaFlag = True RotFlag = False SCFFlag = False CCFlag = False OrbFlag = False FreqFlag = False IZMATFlag = False # Initial ZMAT file FZMATFlag = False # Final ZMAT file ReadCoords = False CDFlag = False # Centrifugal distortion terms read_props = False read_charge = False read_dboc = False read_mvd2 = False with open(filepath, "r") as read_file: for index, line in enumerate(read_file): if ("The final electronic energy is") in line: ReadLine = line.split() InfoDict["total energy"] = float(ReadLine[5]) InfoDict["success"] = True if ("The full molecular point group ") in line: ReadLine = line.split() InfoDict["point group"] = ReadLine[6] if ("BASIS=") in line: ReadLine = line.split("=") InfoDict["basis"] = utils.clean_string(ReadLine[1].split()[0]) if ("CALC_LEVEL") in line: ReadLine = line.split("=") InfoDict["method"] = ReadLine[1].split()[0] if ("EXCITE=") in line: ReadLine = line.split("=") InfoDict["method"] += "-" + ReadLine[1].split()[0] if RotFlag is True: # if flagged to read the rotational constants ReadLine = line.split() for index, value in enumerate(ReadLine): InfoDict["rotational constants"][index] = value RotFlag = False if ("Rotational constants (in MHz)") in line: RotFlag = True if FZMATFlag is True or IZMATFlag is True: if ("********") in line: skip_counter += 1 elif skip_counter == 1: temp_zmat.append(line) elif skip_counter == 2: skip_counter = 0 if FZMATFlag is True: InfoDict["final zmat"] = temp_zmat if IZMATFlag is True: InfoDict["input zmat"] = temp_zmat FZMATFlag = False IZMATFlag = False if ("Final ZMATnew file") in line: temp_zmat = list() skip_counter = 0 FZMATFlag = True if ("Input from ZMAT") in line: temp_zmat = list() skip_counter = 0 IZMATFlag = True if ReadCoords is True: if ("----------") in line: skip_counter += 1 elif skip_counter == 1: ReadLine = line.split() CurrentCoords.append([ReadLine[0], float(ReadLine[2]) * 0.5291, float(ReadLine[3]) * 0.5291, float(ReadLine[4]) * 0.5291] ) elif skip_counter == 2: InfoDict["coordinates"] = CurrentCoords ReadCoords = False CurrentCoords = [] skip_counter = 0 if ("Coordinates (in bohr)") in line: skip_counter = 0 ReadCoords = True # if ("Conversion factor used") in line: # self.InfoDict["dipole moment"] = Dipole # DipoleFlag = False if DipoleFlag is True: ReadLine = line.split() Dipole = [float(ReadLine[2]), float(ReadLine[5]), float(ReadLine[8]) ] Dipole = [value * 2.54174691 for value in Dipole] InfoDict["dipole moment"] = Dipole DipoleFlag = False # if ("au Debye") in line: if ("Components of electric dipole moment") in line: Dipole = [0., 0., 0.] DipoleFlag = True if ("Molecular gradient norm") in line: ReadLine = line.split() InfoDict["gradient norm"].append(float(ReadLine[3])) geo_counter += 1 if ("IMULTP") in line: ReadLine = line.split() InfoDict["multiplicity"] = int(ReadLine[2]) if OrbFlag is True: """ Read in orbital information """ if ("++++++") in line: OrbFlag = False AlphaFlag = not AlphaFlag skip_counter = 0 if skip_counter == 1: try: ReadLine = line.split() OrbitalNo = int(ReadLine[0]) Orbital = [] Orbital.append(float(ReadLine[2])) Orbital.append(ReadLine[5]) Orbital.append(ReadLine[6]) if AlphaFlag is True: InfoDict["orbitals"]["alpha"].append(Orbital) else: InfoDict["orbitals"]["beta"].append(Orbital) except: pass if ("----") in line: skip_counter += 1 if ("MO # E(hartree)") in line: OrbFlag = True skip_counter = 0 if ("Zero-point energy") in line: # All in single line FreqFlag = False ZPE = float(line.split()[5]) # Harmonic frequency parsing if FreqFlag is True: # Exception for imaginary frequencies which # will not convert to a float try: # Get the frequency value freq = line.split()[1] # Ignore zero frequencies if "0.0000" not in freq: InfoDict["frequencies"].append(float(freq)) except ValueError: pass if ("Rotationally projected") in line: FreqFlag = True # ZPE parsing if ("Zero-point energy") in line: # All in single line FreqFlag = False InfoDict["zpe"] = float(line.split()[5]) """ The following energy parsing is when the CC program used is the ECC routines. """ if "CCSD correlation energy" in line: InfoDict["ccsd energy"] = float(line.split()[3]) if "CCSD(T) correlation energy" in line: InfoDict["ccsd(t) energy"] = float(line.split()[3]) if "HF-SCF" in line: InfoDict["scf energy"] = float(line.split()[2]) if "E(SCF)" in line: try: InfoDict["scf energy"] = float(line.split()[2]) except ValueError: InfoDict["scf energy"] = float(line.split()[1]) """ The following parsers will work for the VCC routines, which have slightly different formatting. """ if "The reference energy" in line: InfoDict["scf energy"] = float(line.split()[4]) if "E(SCF)" in line: line = line.replace("D", "E") InfoDict["scf energy"] = float(line.split()[2]) if "The correlation energy is" in line: InfoDict["ccsd(t) energy"] = float(line.split()[4]) if "E(CCSD(T))" in line: InfoDict["ccsd(t) energy"] = float(line.split()[2]) if "E(CCSD)" in line: InfoDict["ccsd energy"] = float(line.split()[2]) if CDFlag is True: if skip_counter == 2: CDFlag = False else: split_line = line.split() if len(split_line) <= 2: skip_counter += 1 else: InfoDict["centrifugal distortion"][reduction][split_line[0]] = float(split_line[1]) if "A-reduced centrifugal" in line or "S-reduced centrifugal" in line: if "A-reduced centrifugal" in line: reduction = "A" elif "S-reduced centrifugal" in line: reduction = "S" skip_counter = 0 InfoDict["centrifugal distortion"][reduction] = dict() CDFlag = True if "Electrostatic potential at atomic centers" in line: read_props = False read_charge = False if read_charge is True: if "In kHz, Mass number" in line: atom_mass = line.split()[4] quadrupole_mat = np.zeros((3,3)) if "CHIxx" in line: quadrupole_mat[0,0] = float(line.split()[2]) if "CHIyy" in line: quadrupole_mat[1,1] = float(line.split()[2]) if "CHIzz" in line: quadrupole_mat[2,2] = float(line.split()[2]) if "CHIxy" in line: quadrupole_mat[0,1] = float(line.split()[2]) if "CHIxz" in line: quadrupole_mat[0,2] = float(line.split()[2]) if "CHIyz" in line: quadrupole_mat[1,2] = float(line.split()[2]) read_charge = False InfoDict["quadrupole"][atom_number][atom_mass] = quadrupole_mat if read_props is True: if "Z-matrix center" in line: read_charge = True # Get the Z-matrix atom number atom_number = line.split()[-1].split(":")[0] InfoDict["quadrupole"][atom_number] = dict() if "the correlated density matrix" in line: read_props = True if read_dboc is True: if "The total diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction (DBOC)" in line: if "a.u." in line: InfoDict["dboc"] = float(line.split()[7]) if "Summary of diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction at Hartree-Fock level" in line: read_dboc = True """ Scalar relativistic effects are read in separately, and if up to second order is calculated, the reported value is MVD1 + MVD2. """ if "Total MVD1 correction to energy:" in line: InfoDict["relativistic"] = float(line.split()[5]) if read_mvd2 is True: if "Hartree" in line: read_mvd2 = False InfoDict["relativistic"] += float(line.split()[0]) if "Two-electron darwin energy" in line: read_mvd2 = True if "Total CCSDT[Q] energy" in line: InfoDict["ccsdt(q) energy"] = float(line.split()[4]) if "Total CCSDT energy [au]" in line: InfoDict["ccsdt energy"] = float(line.split()[4]) # Convert the XYZ coordinates into SMILES using OBabel with open("", "w+") as write_file: write_file.write(str(len(InfoDict["coordinates"])) + "\n") write_file.write(" \n") for line in InfoDict["coordinates"]: write_file.write(" ".join(map(str, line)) + "\n") if shutil.which("obabel"): try: InfoDict["smiles"] = utils.xyz2smi("") except FileNotFoundError: print("OBabel executable not found in PATH.") return InfoDict