Source code for pyspectools.qchem.utils
Contains all of the auxillary functions for CFOURviewer; i.e. file I/O,
storage to HDF5, copying and pasting, etc.
The scope of HDF5 will be to store the parsed data, as well as the full
output file as a string.
Settings will be stored in a dot folder in the user's home directory;
this includes templates for the PBS script as well as CFOURviewer settings.
import shutil
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, run
File I/O
Includes YAML and HDF5 functions
HDF5 system is organized into IDs - an ID can contain one or several
calculations, and the attributes of an ID group are metadata regarding
the calculation batch, i.e. a SMILES code to identify the molecule.
Each calculation is then stored as datasets within this group, and the
parsed results of the calculation.
[docs]def obabel_xyz(filepath, format="g09"):
Call open-babel to convert a specified file into an XYZ.
filepath: str
Filepath to save the XYZ file to. Extension is not mandated, but can be included.
format: str
File format to convert from. Must be supported by open-babel
# if the extension was not included, add it on
if ".xyz" not in filepath:
filepath += ".xyz"
if shutil.which("obabel") is None:
raise Exception("obabel executable not found in path.")
with open(filepath, "w+") as write_file:
proc = run(
["obabel", "-i{}".format(format), filepath, "-oxyz"],
[docs]def obabel_smi(filepath, format="xyz"):
# Calls external obabel executable to convert an input xyz file
# Returns a SMILES string for identification
if shutil.which("obabel") is None:
raise Exception("obabel executable not found in path.")
proc = run(
["obabel", "-i{}".format(format), filepath, "-osmi"],
output = proc.stdout.decode()
smi = output.split("\t")[0]
return smi
[docs]def obabel_png(filepath, format="xyz"):
Call open-babel to convert a obabel readable format file into a PNG. The conversion requires
that obabel linked to libcairo, and will dump the image in the current working directory.
filepath: str
Filepath to the target file
if shutil.which("obabel") is None:
raise Exception("obabel executable not found in path.")
filename = filepath.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
with open("{}.png".format(filename), "w+") as out_file:
proc = run(
["obabel", "-i{}".format(format), filepath, "-opng"],
[docs]def clean_string(string):
symbols = ['(', ')', '"', '\n']
for symbol in symbols:
string = string.replace(symbol, '')
return string
[docs]def split_zmat(zmat_list):
Function that will convert a ZMAT into a dictionary.
connectivity = list()
parameters = list()
# Loop over list containing ZMAT strings; first line is
# comment line
read_next = False
for line in zmat_list[1:]:
if line == "\n":
if read_next is True:
read_next = True
if read_next is False:
if read_next is True:
return connectivity, parameters