Source code for pyspectools.routines

""" Routines to:
    Parse cat files
    Run SPFIT and/or SPCAT

import os
import subprocess
import shutil
import json
import types
from typing import List, Any, Union, Dict, Tuple
from glob import glob
from warnings import warn

import ruamel.yaml as yaml
import numpy as np
import joblib
import paramiko

[docs]def run_spcat(filename: str, temperature=None): # Run SPCAT parameter_file = filename + ".var" if os.path.isfile(filename + ".var") is False: print("VAR file unavailable. Attempting to run with PAR file.") if os.path.isfile(filename + ".par") is False: raise FileNotFoundError("No .var or .par file found.") else: shutil.copy2(filename + ".par", parameter_file) process = subprocess.Popen( ["spcat", filename + ".int", parameter_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # suppress stdout ) process.wait() # Extract the partition function at the specified temperature if temperature is not None: # Read in the piped standard output, and format into a list stdout = str(process.communicate()[0]).split("\\n") for line in stdout: if temperature in line: # If the specified temperature is found, get the partition # function Q = float(line.split()[1]) return Q
[docs]def run_calbak(filename: str): """ Runs the calbak routine, which generates a .lin file from the .cat """ if os.path.isfile(filename + ".cat") is False: raise FileNotFoundError(filename + ".cat is missing; cannot run calbak.") process = subprocess.Popen( ["calbak", filename + ".cat", filename + ".lin"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL ) process.wait() with open(filename + ".lin") as read_file: lin_length = read_file.readlines() if lin_length == 0: raise RuntimeError("No lines produced in calbak! Check .cat file.")
[docs]def run_spfit(filename: str): """ Parameters ---------- filename Returns ------- """ process = ["spfit", filename + ".lin", filename + ".par"], timeout=20.0, capture_output=True, ) if process.returncode != 0: raise OSError("SPFIT failed to run.")
[docs]def list_chunks(target: List[Any], n: int): """ Split a list into a number of chunks with length n. If there are not enough elements, the last chunk will finish the remaining elements. Parameters ---------- target: list List to split into chunks n: int Number of elements per chunk Returns ------- split_list: list Nested list of chunks """ split_list = [target[i : i + n] for i in range(0, len(target), n)] return split_list
[docs]def human2pickett(name: str, reduction="A", linear=True, nuclei=0): """ Function for translating a Hamiltonian parameter to a Pickett identifier. An alternative way of doing this is to programmatically generate the Pickett identifiers, and just use format string to output the identifier. """ pickett_parameters = read_yaml( os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.pyspectools/pickett_terms.yml" ) if name is "B" and linear is True: # Haven't thought of a clever way of doing this yet... identifier = 100 elif name is "B" and linear is False: identifier = 20000 else: # Hyperfine terms if name in ["eQq", "eQq/2"]: identifier = str(pickett_parameters[name]).format(nuclei) elif "D_" in name or "del" in name: identifier = str(pickett_parameters[name][reduction]) else: try: identifier = pickett_parameters[name] except KeyError: print("Parameter name unknown!") return identifier
[docs]def read_json(json_filepath: str) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ Load a JSON file into memory as a Python dictionary. Parameters ---------- json_filepath : str Path to the JSON file Returns ------- Dict[Any, Any] Dictionary from JSON file """ with open(json_filepath, "r") as read_file: json_data = json.load(read_file) return json_data
[docs]def dump_json(json_filepath: str, json_dict: Dict[Any, Any]): """ Function to serialize a Python dictionary into a JSON file. The pretty printing is enabled by default. Parameters ---------- json_filepath : str Path to the JSON file to save to json_dict : Dict[Any, Any] Dictionary to be serialized """ with open(json_filepath, "w+") as write_file: json.dump(json_dict, write_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs]def read_yaml(yaml_filepath: str) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ Function to load in a YAML file into a Python dictionary. Parameters ---------- yaml_filepath : str Path to the YAML file Returns ------- Dict[Any, Any] Dictionary based on the YAML contents """ with open(yaml_filepath) as read_file: yaml_data = yaml.load(read_file, Loader=yaml.Loader) return yaml_data
[docs]def dump_yaml(yaml_filepath: str, yaml_dict: Dict[Any, Any]): """ Function to serialize a Python dictionary into a YAML file. Parameters ---------- yaml_filepath : str Path to the YAML file yaml_dict : Dict[Any, Any] Dictionary to be serialized """ with open(yaml_filepath, "w+") as write_file: yaml.dump(yaml_dict, write_file)
[docs]def generate_folder(): """ Generates the folder for the next calculation and returns the next calculation number """ folderlist = list_directories() # get every file/folder in directory # filter out any non-folders that happen to be here shortlist = list() for folder in folderlist: try: shortlist.append(int(folder)) except ValueError: # if it's not an integer pass if len(shortlist) == 0: lastcalc = 0 else: lastcalc = max(shortlist) # lastcalc = len(folderlist) os.mkdir(str(lastcalc + 1)) return lastcalc + 1
[docs]def format_uncertainty(value: float, uncertainty: float): """ Function to determine the number of decimal places to format the uncertainty. Probably not the most elegant way of doing this. """ # Convert the value into a string, then determine the length by # splitting at the decimal point decimal_places = decimal_length(value) uncertainty = float(uncertainty) # make sure we're dealing floats uncertainty_places = decimal_length(uncertainty) # Force the uncertainty into decimals uncertainty = uncertainty * 10 ** -uncertainty_places[1] # Work out how many places we've moved now uncertainty_places = decimal_length(uncertainty) # Move the precision of the uncertainty to match the precision of the value uncertainty = uncertainty * 10 ** (uncertainty_places[1] - decimal_places[1]) return uncertainty
[docs]def decimal_length(value: float): # Function that determines the decimal length of a float; convert the value # into a string, then work out the length by splitting at the decimal point decimal_split = str(value).split(".") return [len(position) for position in decimal_split]
[docs]def copy_template(): script_location = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) templates_folder = script_location + "/templates/" available_templates = glob(templates_folder + "*.json") available_templates = [template.split("/")[-1] for template in available_templates] print("The templates available are:") for template in available_templates: print(template) target = input("Please specify which template to copy: ") if target not in available_templates: print("Not a template; probably a typo.") print("Please re-run the script.") else: shutil.copy2(templates_folder + target, os.getcwd() + "/parameters.json") print("Copied template " + target + " to your folder as parameters.json.") print("Edit the .json input file and re-run the script.")
[docs]def flatten_list(input_list: List[List[Any]]): """ Takes a nested list of values and flattens it. The code is written as a try/except that makes the assumption that the data is a list/tuple/array, and in the case that it isn't will simply append the item to the output instead. Parameters ---------- input_list: list List of values, where some of the elements are lists Returns ------- output_list: list Flattened version of input_list """ output_list = list() for value in input_list: try: output_list.extend(value) # Ask for forgiveness except TypeError: output_list.append(value) return output_list
[docs]def list_directories(): return [directory for directory in os.listdir() if os.path.isdir(directory)]
[docs]def backup_files(molecule_name, save_location): extensions = [".cat", ".var", ".par", ".int", ".json", ".lin"] filenames = [molecule_name + ext for ext in extensions] for filename in filenames: if os.path.isfile(filename) is True: shutil.copy2(filename, save_location) print("Backing up " + filename + " to " + save_location) else: pass
[docs]def isnotebook(): # Check if the code is being run in a notebook, IPython shell, or Python try: shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole? return True elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": # Terminal running IPython? return False else: return False # Other type (?) except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
[docs]def save_obj(obj: Any, filepath: str, **kwargs): """ Function to serialize an object using dump from joblib. Additional kwargs are passed into the dump, which can be compression parameters, etc. parameters: --------------- obj - instance of object to be serialized filepath - filepath to save to """ settings = {"compress": ("gzip", 6), "protocol": 4} settings.update(kwargs) joblib.dump(obj, filepath, **settings)
[docs]def read_obj(filepath: str): """ Wrapper for joblib.load to load an object from disk parameters: --------------- filepath - path to object """ obj = joblib.load(filepath) return obj
[docs]def dump_packages(): """ Function that will return a list of packages that have been loaded and their version numbers. This function will ignore system packages: sys, __builtins__, types, os as well as modules with no version. This is not working the way I want it to... returns: ------------- mod_dict - dict with keys corresponding to module name, and values the version number. """ mod_dict = dict() sys_packages = ["sys", "__builtins__", "types", "os"] for name, module in globals().items(): if isinstance(module, types.ModuleType): if module.__name__ not in sys_packages: try: mod_name = module.__name__ mod_ver = module.__version__ mod_dict[mod_name] = mod_ver except AttributeError: pass return mod_dict
[docs]def find_nearest(array: np.ndarray, value: Union[float, int]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """ Function that will find the nearest value in a NumPy array to a specified value. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray NumPy 1D array value : float Value to search the array for Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, int] Returns the closest value, as well as the index """ array = np.asarray(array) idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin() return array[idx], idx
[docs]class RemoteClient(paramiko.SSHClient): def __init__(self, hostname=None, username=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.connect(hostname=hostname, username=username, **kwargs) self.sftp = self.open_sftp()
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath: str): """ Reload a remote session from a pickle file created by the save_session. :param filepath: str path to RemoteClient pickle file :return: RemoteClient object """ remote = read_obj(filepath) # Make sure that the pickle file is a RemoteClient object if remote.__name__ != "RemoteClient": raise Exception( "File was not a RemoteClient session; {}".format(remote.__name__) ) else: return read_obj(filepath)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Dunder method that should be called when the object is destroyed. In this case, the remote connection should be closed automatically. """ self.sftp.close() self.close()
[docs] def get_file(self, remote_path: str, local_path=os.getcwd()): """ Download a file from remote server to disk. If no local path is provided, defaults to the current working directory. :param remote_path: str remote file path target :param local_path: str optional path to save the file to """ self.sftp.get(remote_path, local_path)
[docs] def run_command(self, command: str): stdin, stdout, stderr = self.exec_command(command) error_msg = if len(error_msg) == 0: return stdout.readlines() else: raise Exception(f"Error in running command: {error_msg}")
[docs] def open_remote(self, remote_path: str): """ Function to stream the file contents of a remote file. Can be used to directly provide data into memory without downloading it to disk. :param remote_path: str remote path to target file :return: list of contents of the target file """ contents = self.run_command("cat {}".format(remote_path)) return contents
[docs] def ls(self, remote_path=""): """ Function to get the list of files present in a specified directory. Defaults to the current ssh directory. :param remote_path: str remote path to inspect :return: list of files and folders """ contents = self.run_command("ls {}".format(remote_path)) return contents
[docs] def save_session(self, filepath="ssh.pkl", **kwargs): """ Function to dump the ssh settings object to a pickle file. Keep in mind that while this is a matter of convenience, the file is unencrypted and so storing passwords in here is not exactly the safest thing to do! :param filepath: str optional path to save the session to. """ save_obj(self, filepath, **kwargs)
[docs]def group_consecutives(vals: List[float], step=1): """ Function to group all consecutive values in a list together. The primary purpose of this is to split concatenated spectra that are given in a single list of frequencies into individual windows. Parameters ---------- vals : list List of floats to be split step : int, optional [description], by default 1 Returns ------- [type] [description] """ run = [] result = [run] expect = None for v in vals: if (v == expect) or (expect is None): run.append(v) else: run = [v] result.append(run) expect = v + step return result