Source code for pyspectools.units


    Routines for performing unit conversions and quantities
    that are often used in spectroscopy.

from typing import List

import numpy as np
from scipy import constants

""" Commonly used values

    kbcm - Boltzmann's constant in wavenumbers per Kelvin
    The others are pretty self-explanatory

    eha - Hartree energy in joules
kbcm = constants.value("Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin") / 100.0
avo = constants.Avogadro
eha = constants.value("Hartree energy")
haev = constants.value("Hartree energy in eV")
hak = constants.value("hartree-kelvin relationship")
harm = constants.value("hartree-inverse meter relationship")
jm = constants.value("joule-inverse meter relationship")

[docs]def kappa(A: float, B: float, C: float): """ Calculate Ray's asymmetry parameter for a given set of A, B, and C rotational constants. This parameter determines how asymmetric a molecule is by setting a range between two limits: the prolate (+1) and the oblate (-1) limits. Parameters ---------- A, B, C: float Rotational constant in MHz for each respective axis Returns ------- kappa: float Ray's asymmetry parameter """ return (2 * B - A - C) / (A - C)
[docs]def inertial_defect(A: float, B: float, C: float): """ Calculate the inertial defect of a molecule with a set of A, B, and C rotational constants. Parameters ---------- A, B, C - float Rotational constant along the respective principal axis in units of MHz. Returns ------- delta - float The inertial defect in units of amu Ang**2 """ frac = np.reciprocal([C, B, A]) cumdiff = frac[0] # Calculate the cumulative difference; i.e. 1/C - 1/B - 1/A for value in frac[1:]: cumdiff -= value return cumdiff * 505379.0
[docs]def rotcon2pmi(rotational_constant: float): """ Convert rotational constants in units of MHz to Inertia, in units of amu A^2. The conversion factor is adapted from: Oka & Morino, JMS (1962) 8, 9-21 This factor comprises h / pi^2 c. Parameters ---------- rotational_constant: Corresponding rotational constant in MHz Returns ------- Rotational constant converted to units of amu A^2 """ return 1 / (rotational_constant / 134.901)
[docs]def hartree2wavenumber(hartree: float): """ Convert Hartrees to wavenumbers. :param hartree: float :return: corresponding value in 1/cm """ return hartree * (harm / 100.0)
[docs]def kjmol2wavenumber(kj: float): """ Convert kJ/mol to wavenumbers :param kj: float :return: corresponding value in 1/cm """ return kj * (jm / 100.0) / (avo * 1000.0)
[docs]def MHz2cm(frequency: float): """ Convert MHz to wavenumbers :param frequency: float :return: corresponding value in 1/cm """ return (frequency / 1000.0) / (constants.c / 1e7)
[docs]def cm2MHz(wavenumber: float): """ Convert wavenumbers to MHz :param wavenumber: float :return: corresponding value in MHz """ return (wavenumber * (constants.c / 1e7)) * 1000.0
[docs]def hartree2kjmol(hartree: float): """ Convert Hartrees to kJ/mol. :param hartree: float :return: converted value in kJ/mol """ return hartree * (eha * avo / 1000.0)
[docs]def hartree2eV(hartree: float): """ Convert Hartrees to eV. Parameters ---------- hartree: float Electronic energy in Hartrees Returns ------- eV: float Corresponding value in eV """ return haev * hartree
[docs]def hartree2K(hartree: float): """ Convert Hartrees to temperature in Kelvin. Parameters ---------- hartree: float Electronic energy in Hartrees Returns ------- kelvin: float Corresponding value in Kelvin """ return hartree * hak
[docs]def wavenumber2kjmol(wavenumber: float): """ Convert wavenumbers to kJ/mol. :param wavenumber: float :return: converted value in kJ/mol """ return wavenumber / (jm / 100.0) / (avo * 1000.0)
[docs]def T2wavenumber(T: float): """ Convert temperature in Kelvin to wavenumbers. :param T: float :return: corresponding value in 1/cm """ return T * kbcm
[docs]def wavenumber2T(wavenumber: float): """ Convert wavenumbers to Kelvin :param wavenumber: float :return: corresponding value in K """ return wavenumber / kbcm
[docs]def thermal_corrections(frequencies: List[float], T: float, linear=True, hartree=True): """ Calculates the thermal contributions from nuclear motion, in the same way as Gaussian does. Parameters ---------- frequencies: list of floats or Numpy 1-D array Iterable of vibrational frequencies in wavenumbers. Can be Harmonic or Anharmonic fundamentals. T: float Value of the temperature to calculate thermal corrections at linear: bool, optional Specifies whether molecule is linear or not. Affects the rotational contribution. hartree: bool, optional If True, converts the contribution into Hartrees. Otherwise, in units of Kelvin Returns ------- thermal: float Total thermal contribution at a given temperature """ translation = kbcm * T rotation = kbcm * T if linear is False: rotation *= 3.0 / 2.0 # Convert frequencies into vibrational temperatures frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies) frequencies /= kbcm vibration = kbcm * np.sum( frequencies * (0.5 * (1.0 / (np.exp(frequencies / T) - 1.0))) ) thermal = translation + rotation + vibration if hartree is True: thermal *= 1.0 / hartree2wavenumber(1.0) return thermal
""" Astronomy units Conversions and useful expressions """
[docs]def dop2freq(velocity: float, frequency: float): """ Calculates the expected frequency in MHz based on a Doppler shift in km/s and a center frequency. Parameters ---------- velocity: float Radial velocity in km/s frequency: float Center frequency in MHz Returns ------- offset: float The change in frequency associated with the velocity and """ # Frequency given in MHz, Doppler_shift given in km/s # Returns the expected Doppler shift in frequency (MHz) return (velocity * 1000.0 * frequency) / constants.c
[docs]def freq2vel(frequency: float, offset: float): """ Calculates the Doppler shift in km/s based on a center frequency in MHz and n offset frequency in MHz (delta nu). Parameters ---------- frequency: float Center frequency in MHz offset: float Frequency offset from the center in MHz Returns ------- doppler: float Doppler offset in km/s """ return ((constants.c * offset) / frequency) / 1000.0
[docs]def gaussian_fwhm(sigma: float): """ Calculate the full-width half maximum value assuming a Gaussian function. parameters: -------------- sigma - float for width returns: -------------- fwhm - float value for full-width at half-max """ return 2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) * sigma
[docs]def gaussian_height(amplitude: float, sigma: float): """ Calculate the height of a Gaussian distribution, based on the amplitude and sigma. This value corresponds to the peak height at the centroid. parameters: ---------------- amplitude - float sigma - float returns: ---------------- h - float """ h = amplitude / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * sigma) return h
[docs]def gaussian_integral(amplitude: float, sigma: float): """ Calculate the integral of a Gaussian analytically using the amplitude and sigma. :param amplitude: amplitude of the Gaussian :param sigma: width of the Gaussian :return: integrated area of the Gaussian """ integral = amplitude * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi ** 2.0 * sigma) return integral
[docs]def I2S(I: float, Q: float, frequency: float, E_lower, T=300.0): """ Function for converting intensity (in nm^2 MHz) to the more standard intrinsic linestrength, S_ij mu^2. Parameters ---------- I - float The log of the transition intensity, typically given in catalog files Q - float Partition function at specified temperature T frequency - float Frequency of the transition in MHz E_lower - float ENergy of the lower state in wavenumbers T - float Temperature in Kelvin Returns ------- siju - float Value of the intrinsic linestrength """ E_upper = calc_E_upper(frequency, E_lower) # top part of the equation A = 10.0 ** I * Q lower_factor = boltzmann_factor(E_lower, T) # Boltzmann factors upper_factor = boltzmann_factor(E_upper, T) # Calculate the lower part of the equation # The prefactor included here is taken from Brian # Drouin's notes B = 4.16231e-5 * frequency * (lower_factor - upper_factor) return A / B
[docs]def S2I(S: float, Q: float, frequency: float, E_lower: float, T=300.0): """ Function for converting intensity (in nm^2 MHz) to the more standard intrinsic linestrength, S_ij mu^2. Parameters ---------- S - float Intrinsic linestrength; Sij mu^2 Q - float Partition function at specified temperature T frequency - float Frequency of the transition in MHz E_lower - float ENergy of the lower state in wavenumbers T - float Temperature in Kelvin Returns ------- I - float log10 of the intensity at the specified temperature """ E_upper = calc_E_upper(frequency, E_lower) lower_factor = boltzmann_factor(E_lower, T) # Boltzmann factors upper_factor = boltzmann_factor(E_upper, T) # Calculate the lower part of the equation # The prefactor included here is taken from Brian # Drouin's notes B = 4.16231e-5 * frequency * (lower_factor - upper_factor) I = np.log((B * S) / Q) return I
[docs]def calc_E_upper(frequency: float, E_lower: float): """ Calculate the upper state energy, for a given lower state energy and the frequency of the transition. Parameters ---------- frequency - float Frequency of the transition in MHz E_lower - float Lower state energy in wavenumbers Returns ------- E_upper - float Upper state energy in wavenumbers """ transition_freq = MHz2cm(frequency) return transition_freq + E_lower
[docs]def calc_E_lower(frequency: float, E_upper: float): """ Calculate the lower state energy, for a given lower state energy and the frequency of the transition. Parameters ---------- frequency - float Frequency of the transition in MHz E_upper - float Upper state energy in wavenumbers Returns ------- E_lower - float Lower state energy in wavenumbers """ transition_freq = MHz2cm(frequency) return E_upper - transition_freq
[docs]def boltzmann_factor(E: float, T: float): """ Calculate the Boltzmann weighting for a given state and temperature. Parameters ---------- E - float State energy in wavenumbers T - float Temperature in Kelvin Returns ------- boltzmann_factor - float Unitless Boltzmann factor for the state """ return np.exp(-E / (kbcm * T))
[docs]def approx_Q_linear(B: float, T: float): """ Approximate rotational partition function for a linear molecule. Parameters ---------- B - float Rotational constant in MHz. T - float Temperature in Kelvin. Returns ------- Q - float Rotational partition function at temperature T. """ Q = 2.0837e4 * (T / B) return Q
[docs]def approx_Q_top(A: float, B: float, T: float, sigma=1, C=None): """ Approximate expression for the (a)symmetric top partition function. The expression is adapted from Gordy and Cook, p.g. 57 equation 3.68. By default, the prolate top is used if the C constant is not specified, where B = C. Oblate case can also be specified if A = C. Parameters ---------- A - float Rotational constant for the A principal axis, in MHz. B - float Rotational constant for the B principal axis, in MHz. T - float Temperature in Kelvin sigma - int Rotational level degeneracy; i.e. spin statistics C - float, optional Rotational constant for the C principal axis, in MHz. Defaults to None, which will reduce to the prolate top case. Returns ------- Q - float Partition function for the molecule at temperature T """ if C is None: # For a symmetric top, B = C C = B Q = (5.34e6 / sigma) * (T ** 3.0 / (A * B * C)) ** 0.5 return Q
[docs]def einsteinA(S: float, frequency: float): """ Calculate the Einstein A coefficient for a transition with specified transition frequency and intrinsic linestrength. Parameters ---------- S : float Intrinsic linestrength; unitless frequency : float Transition frequency in MHz Returns ------- float Einstein A coefficient in units of per second """ # Prefactor is given in the PGopher Intensity formulae # # Units of the prefactor are s^-1 MHz^-3 D^-2 # Units of Einstein A coefficient should be in s^-1 prefactor = 1.163965505e-20 return prefactor * frequency ** 3.0 * S