ML Reviews


Inspired by PyTorch Lightning, I'd like to do something similar for Flux.jl. Otherwise, this is just to help me organize my thoughts and abstract out the parts of training and testing deep learning models.


Naturally, there's a lot of things that can be done, and the question is to what extent we should encapsulate/build into the framework. Some examples include:


Unified interfaces

Something akin to how forward methods exist for every model. You could probably mimic the same effect by having something like:

# implement a base type function
(model::MLModel)(x) = forward(model::MLModel, x)
# implement model specific `forward` method
forward(resnet::ResNet, x) = ...


Following the philosophy in PyTorch Lightning, we have models and systems that make up a deep learning task.

Should system inherit from model? Vice versa? Or have an abstract type further up the chain?

Composable losses

Multiple dispatch for composable loss functions. Loss at a system level as the sum of loss functions at the model level.

abstract type MLSystem end
abstract type MLModel end

loss(mls::MLSystem) = mapreduce(x->loss(x), sum, mls.models)

# define a model

struct ModelType <: MLModel end

loss(model::ModelType) = mse_loss(model(x), y)

Idea is that this abstracts out the need to abstract out loss for a collection of models, and each model deals with its own loss. How flexible is this? Like for GANs and whatnot

Tying data to systems

Training and optimizers

User defines a configure_optimizer method for a system.

function configure_optimizer(mls::MLSystem)
    # defined by user

# optimizer for each model
function configure_optimizers(mls::MLSystem, optim::Optimizer, lr::Real; kwargs...)
    optimizers = [optim(params(model), lr, kwargs...) for model in mls.models]

Putting it all together

Have a high level setup function that readies everything.

function setup(mls::MLSystem, data::Dataset)
    optimizers = configure_optimizer(mls)