Inspired by PyTorch Lightning, I'd like to do something similar for Flux.jl
. Otherwise, this is just to help me organize my thoughts and abstract out the parts of training and testing deep learning models.
Naturally, there's a lot of things that can be done, and the question is to what extent we should encapsulate/build into the framework. Some examples include:
- Learning rate scheduling
- Adversarial training
- Both conventional classifier and [[fast gradient sign method]] like methods.
Unified interfaces
Something akin to how forward
methods exist for every model. You could probably mimic the same effect by having something like:
# implement a base type function
(model::MLModel)(x) = forward(model::MLModel, x)
# implement model specific `forward` method
forward(resnet::ResNet, x) = ...
Following the philosophy in PyTorch Lightning, we have models and systems that make up a deep learning task.
Should system inherit from model? Vice versa? Or have an abstract type further up the chain?
Composable losses
Multiple dispatch for composable loss functions. Loss at a system level as the sum of loss functions at the model level.
abstract type MLSystem end
abstract type MLModel end
loss(mls::MLSystem) = mapreduce(x->loss(x), sum, mls.models)
# define a model
struct ModelType <: MLModel end
loss(model::ModelType) = mse_loss(model(x), y)
Idea is that this abstracts out the need to abstract out loss for a collection of models, and each model deals with its own loss. How flexible is this? Like for GANs and whatnot
Tying data to systems
Training and optimizers
User defines a configure_optimizer
method for a system.
function configure_optimizer(mls::MLSystem)
# defined by user
# optimizer for each model
function configure_optimizers(mls::MLSystem, optim::Optimizer, lr::Real; kwargs...)
optimizers = [optim(params(model), lr, kwargs...) for model in mls.models]
Putting it all together
Have a high level setup
function that readies everything.
function setup(mls::MLSystem, data::Dataset)
optimizers = configure_optimizer(mls)