ML Reviews


Selecting features (either supervised or not) is part of the learning process, both for an algorithm and for the human.

Statistical tests

Correlation between features can help reveal what features are important:

Pearson's correlation coefficient shows linear relationships, scaled between -1 and 1:

ρX,Y=cov(X,Y)σX,σY\rho_{X,Y} = \frac{\mathrm{cov}(X,Y)}{\sigma_X, \sigma_Y}

where σ\sigma is the standard deviation, and cov\mathrm{cov} is the covariance between XX and YY values.

Kendall Tau rank looks at monotonic relationships with small sample size: compares agreements (concordant) and disagreements (discordant) between variables/columns, and gives a coefficient between -1 and 1, with zero indicating no correlation.

$\tau = \frac{C - D}{C + D} $

Spearman's rank quantifies how readily the relationship between two variables can be expressed with a monotonic function, scaling between -1 and 1 with the former being a decreasing monotonic function, and the latter an increasing one. This requires sorted data to ascribe a rank to each observation, probably better explained with Julia:

using Statistics

X = rand(100); Y = rand(100)
x_rank = sortperm(X); y_rank = sortperm(Y)

r_s(x_rank, y_rank) = cov(x_rank, y_rank) / (std(x_rank) * std(y_rank))

χ2\chi^2 test #needs-expanding

Mutual information #needs-expanding