ML Reviews


LaTeX unicode

\scrS for the fancy script S{S} used in MDP states.

Helpful cheatsheet to Julia commands

Julia cheatsheet

Useful macros

using BenchmarkTools


Broadcasting functions with single arguments

For function f that takes arguments a and b, sometimes we want to map the values of b with f, where a is a scalar. The thing to do is to wrap the Ref method around the single input argument:

f(a, b) = a + b
f.(Ref(a), b)

Composing functions

f1(x) = sin(cos(x))
f2 = sin \circ cos

Anonymous functions

In Python, we write lambda functions that are oneshot:

map(lambda x: int(x), [2., 5., 8.])

The lambda function is mapped over the list of floats. In Julia, we don't write lambda, but use the -> syntax:

map(x -> convert(Int, x), [2. 5. 8.])